
Why didn’t he just get a new phone when his minutes were used up?”
-Roger Goodell

I always find it amusing that the generation clash is always viewed as being millennials vs baby boomers. Poor old Gen X just gets forgotten, which seems like the most Gen X thing it could really do.

*High 5*. Remember when Gen X was told that we were “the first generation whose income would not exceed our parents”?

You should make a video about it.

unboxing videos...how does this phenomenon exist

ITT: Millennials acting like they’re the first people to ever have to face crushing student loan debt, disruptive technology, and a crap economy and job market while being condescended to by previous generations.

It should be an empty box with post-apocalypse survival tips written on the cardboard.

You owe me $200.

“A computer does your job now! Go directly to jail.”

Reaction videos make me want to punch the people making them.

If I can’t use a piece of avocado toast as my game token, then I’m not interested!

Cheap shots from Seattle players when things aren’t going their way? Seems unlikely.

Passing legislation is one thing but owning TWO U.S. SENATORS is more than an added bonus.

The whole pretense of Jeff Bezos’s gross little sweepstakes is that Amazon will bring jobs and prosperity to whatever area they decide to infest. So why isn’t he bringing it to West Virginia, or to Mississippi, or some other place that has the space and the need for them? He could, in theory, remake an entire state

Yeah, the “GM LeBron” thing is always marched out in a snarky way, but maybe it was a thing because it’s what they always needed in Cleveland? He wasn’t “GM” in Miami. And he doesn’t appear to be in LA, either, aside from the team obviously building around his 4-year commitment, as they would with any superstar. I’m

Why didn’t you mention these men put their lives on the line during Saturday’s attack?

Or for the rest of the season Aaron Rodgers would be sailing passes slightly over his head in an attempt to murder him

Attach Booger to a giant harness with the Sky Cam and have him fly around the top of the stadium, shrieking his insights about what the Mike did on that last pass protection, as he soars 20 feet off the ground around the field at a blinding velocity.

What do you get when your roster depletes?