
"Take a picture of sentimental things, then let them go." This is what I do. I've never looked at any of the photos but it just makes me feel better even though it's an effort to do. I always thought I was the only one/weird for doing it since I decided to do it myself and have never brought it up in conversation.

Do you just mean BBC America? Because BBC channels show a wide variety of things. :S

I really like your third point. I've always thought that especially with ff7's graphics and character gestures. Also some people criticise games over books because even though games can have in-depth stories it doesn't usually have the level of imagination that books have but I'd argue that old games have this. :)

This is so sweet. I really wish my parents would play games with me, I know my friend (I first saw Secret of Mana at her house) used to play it with her dad and all of her family and I've just borrowed Chrono Trigger on the DS and although it's single player was thinking that if I can just convince my dad to play this

Why isn't Sesame Street shown in the UK any more? >.<

So you don't ever want to discuss books, TV, film, video games or anything which doesn't "matter"? :| Despite the fact that video games aren't taking up the majority of the focus on this site so it's not a huge issue that this particular article is focusing on them? And yes, I do group video games with the other

Isn't there a huge difference between someone who died doing something dangerous which was also a danger to other innocent people and somebody who died doing a dangerous sport? One of those things you have a right to be angry about, the other you should probably say nothing about since you're apathetic. You don't have

I didn't even read it in school! I mean I haven't actually finished it yet, I only started it a few months ago and then I got distracted but... yay, I got the reference! Now I don't need to finish it. :p

I've only heard old women use the word pantyhose in the UK. I know what they are but if I heard someone my mother's age (60) or younger use it I'd assume they were using an old-fashioned/funny sounding term for laughs. From what I've gathered online though, it is still a used term in the US etc.

Ok I really have to watch Game of Thrones. It keeps getting referenced (plus I hear it's good). :|

Yet another Jon/John Snow! (I hadn't previously heard of him).

Haha, was just going to say that. :)

So was I but then I couldn't work out how to bold/italic that part of the sentence and... I still can't. >.<

I may be wrong but I think they said that the game wouldn't be straight only and then delayed and now have backtracked and give this lesser result. I can see why people would be annoyed.

Don't forget they approved Ellen's famous coming out episode when others backed away (or something like that)!

I don't understand the "with an E" part. Maybe I'm reading it wrong but it seems like you're implying the E has something to do with why you don't like her? I'm not sure how it is even relevant even if she had chosen the spelling herself (I presume not). The other famous Anne Hathaway spelled it the same way and at


haha :)

Oh, this is from 2 months ago... Well anyways.

Yeah I'd just ignore them. :) They were being immature even before the birthday comment.