
haha :)

:) haha

I think what you did was fine (although the fact that you are a business might be a problem, perhaps would have been better if a relative had just 'found' the bag or something.)

I think her name was Claire/Clare. I'd never pick her.

Exactly. I mean obviously I was for gender equality but it doesn't usually cross my mind UNTIL somebody is an abrasive sexist bigot because I'm so used to the way things are. These idiots bring the feminism out in us and then get angry because people (not just women) react against it.

I don't believe you sorry. 10 years really isn't very long ago and everybody I know who liked games then still likes games, and everybody who didn't still doesn't, aside from Angry Bird type games. Sure there will be a few who changed but why should that affect me and any other female gamers/hobbiest game makers who

No it really isn't sexist. I can see how the name makes it seem that way but technically a feminist is someone who wants gender equality, I don't see how that's sexist?!

Your comment would make sense if "women" was one person who had changed their mind. Sadly for you and your 'point', the women who dissed the games industry aren't the same women who want to work there. You don't seriously think that the women who often have to struggle in the industry are there because they used to