
Do yourself a favor, and go back and watch Demons of the Punjab. It was the best episode of that season, IMHO, even if the sci-fi elements do feel rather tacked on in it.

Also, what kind of idiot orders something, and then tells the delivery guy to shove off?

Or the Doctor whitelisted packages from the company?

Pointing out that you are wrong (twice) isn’t being an armchair lawyer, numbnuts. It just means we have basic knowledge. But your evasion of the actual replies to you is precious.

Everybody in Australia has 3 hands.

Lord, yes. We just get them to put their stuff in a locker. They get to hold the key and everything. We confiscate nothing.

One of the guards I knew was this sweet older lady who always said, very gently, “Touch with your eyes, not with your hands!” to children who were tempted. And it worked.

Umm excuse me their girlfriends all live in Canada and Canada already has free healthcare duhhhhhhh.

Hehe no worries. They’re doing some sort of weird tag-team thing on me now, them and “Innocuous”, trying to make it seem like I’m...harassing them? I dunno. Apparently having a different opinion and trying to share my knowledge as an actual member of the trans community makes me some sort of online bully.

And you’re not aware of the universal journalistic standard which states that you always use someone’s preferred pronouns and stated name? Do you also have to “investigate further” by “reading other articles” every time you need to know what 2+2 is? Do you just make assumptions about what color the sky is, and pray if

You mean Eggcellent.

He said unofficial, not old. From what i understand, there’s a public facing API for pokemon go that all of these mapping apps use. Essentially what that means, is there is a way for third party applications (read: not pokemon go) to access data about whats around. So, what it does is every now and again, it’ll ping

The lead image is of her holding a microphone on a stage, and the Instagram pic in the article says, “When your lyrics are on the bottle.” Do you really not know what she does?

Why would Wales leave. If this is to with EU vote you do realize that they voted to leave EU. I see a lot of Americans not understanding this.

The origins (per usual) are Black people and Black culture. One could argue that it could be applied to allies, and I would listen, but I don’t yet agree.

Of all the aspects of this case, THAT’S what you’re confused about?

This morning I was listening to the radio and I overheard a song I liked. I think I’ll write it! I have a feeling my original tune,“Rocket Man” is going to make me a very rich lady.

It’s not a “long run” solution. Positive discrimination is a short-term hack to partially redress the balance. It will/should be dropped when women have parity.

Yes, but she can, so she should if that’s what she wants.

How in God’s name could he have missed that?