
HIV is much less infectious than most other STDs. You kind of have to work at it to get infected. We know this now. We didn't know this until about 1990, 1992, when some epidemiologists started looking at seroconversion rates in couples where one member was infected, the other wasn't, and condoms weren't used. No,

Someday we can add the film adaptation of Good Omens to this. A million years ago (2002) it was picked up by Terry Gilliam. *weeps* So that explains why we don't have Good Omens yet. But maybe someday.

WoO was a children's book, so a very simple plot. The movie Princess Bride had only passing resemblance to its source material. Just because there's a good movie adapted from the book, doesn't necessarily mean its a faithful adaptation. It just means its a good movie. It pretty much comes down to "Can the

And for those people, there is Vin Diesel/Jason Statham.

I am, frankly, amazed by the level of Blade Runner hate. And for being 'slow'. I saw it when I was 12 or 13, not exactly a reflective age, and it became one of my favorite movies. Seen it a half dozen times since.
Huh. Different strokes I guess.

Adapting novels to movie is almost always a failure, unless there is a lot of fluff in the novel that the screenwriter can cut. Its a shame that the money guys like the recognition of novels, rather than just, you know, the underlying ideas. Because there's another form that would lend itself VERY well to

Okay. Thanks.

I normally avoid opening weekends, and I'm not that big of a SW geek, but I knew this would happen, so I saw at 3pm today.

I felt like so much hinged on the villain in TFA, and he sort of didn't deliver. They used the term 'sensitive' in this review, but I felt more 'whiny'. He made me think of the Gladiator villain, who I also thought weakened the movie. One thing the movie DESPERATELY needed was a motivation for his evil. If he had

As did I. I was genuinely surprised that tomatometer was 95%. I wondered what they saw that I didn't.

I have never met anybody that didn't like Alphas. I've never heard of Mutant X, but it appears to be well-reviewed so I'll check it out. Its true neither of them is Unbreakable. Unbreakable was not a good structure for a TV series. The villain was woefully underpowered compared to the protagonist and there really

I remember seeing this years ago and leaving the theatre disappointed. I will say that Samuel L. Jackson cast as anything but Canned Ham is going to be hard on your movie. I will acknowledge that in retrospect, the idea of a superhero origin without the origin story was rather neat. But like the 4th season of buffy,

1)I actually LOLed at the idea that the movies are Obi-Wan/Luke's revisionist memories. Do you have a stock of fanfiction for other series? "The Hunger Games, What REALLY Happened!" "The REAL Story Of The Pureblood Pride Companions and the traitorous Severus Snape!"
2)I think if I were going to write a revisionist

I watched the first one, and found it to be clownish and un-engaging. I liked Lliam Neeson's character well enough, Obi-Wan was fun, but the rest of the cast really wasn't doing anything on screen. Fast forward to the second movie. Seriously? They're making Anakin/Vader the focal point of these movies? And he's a

My problem is that the biggest offenders for making women helpless girl-dolls tend to be female writers. Contrast 'The Time Traveler's Wife' with 'Journeyman'. The first is about a girl standing by her man… through time!! In the second, the wife is a MUCH stronger woman, struggling to process whats happening to her

I have spent most of my adult trying to stay orthogonal to 'it'. The clothes are cheaper, the people are more cheerful, and it requires much less looking over my shoulder altogether.

In consoles maybe. If you are stuck playing on a console, I feel bad for you son. If not, there's this whole 'MOBA' thing you might want to look into. And RTSes (not my thing, but they are a real type now I'm told).

This whole thread makes me shrug. I tell people who want me to play twitch games I have 'manatee reflexes'. I never played shooters and when I dip my toe in, it just reminds me I have better ways to spend my time. I do really like MOBAs, but even those basic skillshots are beyond my graceful, slow-moving flippers.

After seeing Run All Night, essentially a grittier, more realistic John Wick, I was left wondering why everyone gave John Wick so much love. And the fact that Lockup made the list just tanks whatever credibility the writer might have had. It has the distinction of the being the wussiest action hero who wasn't played