
Her account was basically. "My husband cheated on me" I actually broke down and read it to make sure there wasn't any weird hoods or sex clubs or forced psychotropic drugs. Nope. Pretty vanilla. "My husband lied to me. My ability to trust is broken. RESPECT MY VICTIMHOOD!!!"
Feminism isn't a select club that

"Tell me more about this 'real feminism'"
Thats my point. It would be BS for me to imply that his wife wasn't a real feminist if she wrapped herself in a cocoon of self-pity for five years. Just as its BS to imply Whedon wasn't a real feminist because he didn't stay faithful to his wife. Everybody has flaws. Those

The block function is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy. Or Disqus. Same diff.

Refuses to comment. Y'know, for the kids.

Who signed off on this BS? People are flawed. Infidelity is a, sadly, common character flaw for both genders. If we dug through Steinem, Wolfe, or Friedan's lives, I'm sure we'd see frailties. That wouldn't negate their contributions.
Whedons infidelity apparently left his wife with 'ptsd'. For five years. A

I'd just like to say on the topic of Shoot-Em-Up, I found it's action largely indistinguishable from John Wick. And since Shoot-Em-Up has Monica Belluci, I know who wins.

IKR? Charlie Wilson's War, The Social Network, Moneyball? Just hang it up Sorkin. 8/

I'm just hoping this leads to a cable/Netflix revival of Dan Simmons 'Summer Of Night', which was totally NOT a clone of 'It'

I can't imagine Norman Lear, Aaron Sorkin, and the ghost of Paddy Chayevsky, all working together, making this less than Birth Of A Nation 2.

Sure. We'd put it on HBO. Maybe get a British guy to host it. But he'd use humor to make it (slightly) less preachy. Somebody call Rowan Atkinson! Or possibly Stephen Fry.

As opposed to the Carmina Burana that starts whenever Mitch McConnel speaks in the Senate?

You guys DO understand Lincoln didn't even end slavery until 2 years into the civil war? If the south hadn't gotten bitchy, there might STILL be slavery in half the US. Lincoln was, above all, a pragmatist.

"Southerners would have realized the horror of slavery". Would this have been before or after they realized the horror of lynching and segregation? Because THAT didn't happen until the fed passed laws against it.

There's a really rock-solid example of herd immunity from Japan. Through the 80's, japanese schoolkids were REQUIRED to get immunized against the flu. Every year. The Japanese changed the law in 87 allowing parents to opt out. In 94, after Japan had their own anti-vax movement the govt. stopped the program

*Shrugs* I'm totally in favor of strong female characers and heroines, but its not like they've been completely absent and WW is the very first on the scene. I know that when my daughter hits eight or nine, she'll be introduced to the Buffyverse ("It goes downhill after season four though, honey") and then at ten or

And now I know Brent Stiner has a webseries. Which I will be WATCHING! And possibly promoting. Thanks VF!

I certainly saw the preachy aspect of S60, and there was a fair amount of that. The bit about 17th century italian drama was very 'Sorkin' in its 'I know what you like better than you do'. But I also enjoyed Sorkin's characters. They were just pleasant people to spend an hour with, and he genuinely had a humanistic

I was literally quoting Josie Wales this morning. Also all Eastwood.

From the relatively little screen time she had in Frozen, Elsa seemed benighted and self-involved. I like women. Why would I wish that on one? Also, a romantic relationship of ANY kind for a woman whose emotions trigger snowstorms seems unwise. But I'm probably overthinking it.
I do find amusing the horror that the

So The Beauty Myth is a little over 25 years old. I still think pretty much the same things I did when I first heard these ideas way back then.
1)One of the worst things in the world for a young woman's self-image is fashion magazines. LIKE F***ING GLAMOUR. Now, in all fairness, I haven't seen one in some time. The