
I remember when 'Seven' came out and I thought 'this is really well done. I have significant concerns about how it will shape our culture'.
I watched one episode of Hannibal, three episodes of The Following, and every episode of Dexter. The first is a straight-up snuff film done as a TV series. The Following is

1)He was an interesting character as a frenemy, because he had more depth than most 'villains.'
2)It is possible for people to change, but its pretty uncommon in my experience. More often the change is short-term, or a front of some sort.
3)if somebody belittles those weaker than them, or engages in casual cruelty as a

I'm rewatching it after a number of years hiatus, but IIRC, he was just a shmuck in the first season. He was an interesting foil, and rather nuanced in that role. It was only the second season where they decided to morph him into pitiable, then boyfriendly. They did something similar with Charisma Carpenter in the

One of my biggest problems with S2/S3 was brought home as I watched the show again.
Dohrings character was framed as such a grade-A shmuck that when Veronica pivots to him, I was just left with a "WTF" and a bad taste in my mouth. I felt the same way when Spike was kicked up as a love interest on

Hah. I started introducing my wife to VM just this week. What are the odds? The movie wasn't even on my radar.

Meh. I have a hard time thinking of interesting female actresses. All the shows I watch, the men tear of the screen and the women have like three settings: pouty, scared, and blank. Okay. I thought of a few now, but they are rarities. I would compare this female lead to Anna Torv, Sarah Michelle Gellar or Summer

You totally need to spin the dial a bit. Watch ten minutes of NCIS LA or Bluebloods and you'll realize that while this isn't Elmore Leonard, its still ahead of most of what else is on. As for the female lead, she's still twice as animated as Anna Torv, and Fringe went on for a while.

Interesting. Apparently AV's reviewer really hates Blacklist. TBH, its the show my wife and I look forward to the most each week. This was not one of its better episodes, but it was still miles ahead of the Treacly/mindless crap that passes for TV. I agree that the 'I AM YOUR FATHER' scene is being foreshadowed

I agree that Coulson and Ming Na have a LOT of potential. I think that potential is being underutilized with the challenges they are being handed. The characters are not spectacular but they are pretty good. They need an interesting foil, a recurring villain or organization. The writers need to call up Shane Black

See, I was expecting exactly this. A C-Tier Villain pops up (Living Laser, or Anaconda, or Arclight), either as part of a super-organization or as a rogue, and the team feels outmatched, but they prevail through pluck, teamwork, and SHIELD tech. Instead… the Peruvian Army. Yep. The Peruvian Army.

To say nothing of the fact that the title of the show is MARVEL Agents Of Shield. I wonder how much territoriality plays into the absence of identifiable Marvel characters. "Hydra is a good enemy for SHIELD", "Nah, we might want them for the Cap movie", "The Hand…" "Wolverine and Elektra", "AIM…" "We're thinking

I think the "I'LL JUMP ON THIS GRENADE!", "NO YOU WON'T!" trope is already over after the pocket singularity episode and now this one. Its like they never read "The Boy Who Cried Heroic Sacrifice".

I like your confidence this flying nap time will make it to a 3rd Season. Better shows than this have gotten canceled sooner than that. At least its not airing at Friday on Fox, it would probably already be canceled. For myself, I lost about half my interest on the second episode when the villain of the episode

*cough*MODOK*cough* See if they can get the Jim Henson company to do him a la Farscape/Dark Crystal. Also, Silver Sable gets my vote for Frienemy. Or maybe a Chinese or Corporate industrial espionage network that steals secrets but doesn't kill. I can't think of a Marvel villain organization that stays outside of

Theres's a really awesome comic called Astro City written by Kurt Busiek that did a lot of that. It focused on the street level humanity of the people in the superhero world. But it still had superheroes. This show may not be about supers, but they should actually have some of the C-Tier villains who might have

Here's the problem I'm having with AoS: It should be about a Police agency in a world with super-tech and alien invasions. Instead it feels like a superpowered cleaning crew. My benchmark for this show is Alphas, and to a lesser extent Heroes. Its falling far short. I'm watching it at this point in hopes that

I stopped watching Lost at the beginning of the second season because I didn't give a crap about most of the characters and the flashbacks made me care less.  I would put OUAT above Lost at this point.  That said, it is 'for girls' in that they frame any kind of confrontation as 'evil' and doormat/martyr behavior is

If you say Peter Dinklage I'm on board.  I loved him back when he was just linguist on Threshold.

@natty, to be fair, Fred was also about three times as likeable as Tara, who was written with some sort of affective disorder.  Brought nothing to the show.  Which still puts her well ahead of Dawn, who was a reasonable part of the reason I stopped watching.  Also, the 'love my vampire rapist' plotline made me queasy.
