
That would be awesome. Because of all the Voodoo in the Polynesian Islands.
On an unrelated note, has there ever been a Cargo Cult themed super?

On that note.  I was happy the first episode wasn't Gunn Is Luke Cage (didn't work for me), but did anybody else kind of cringe when they described his enhancements as a cocktail of super-soldier serum, alien tech, gamma rays and Extremis?  I mean, why not throw in a radioactive armadillo and some Gingle Juice while

@Shaggydog, sure. Worked great with Ultron.

Whedon's best seasons were defined by strong villains.  Dollhouse didn't really have an identifiable villain.  I'm re-watching buffy right now and marveling at what a GREAT villain The Mayor was in season Three, and Spike and whats-her-name in Season Two.  I'm resigning myself to writing for twelve-year-olds since

I think Chapelle's concern is that a lot of his 'greatest hits' are not terribly far removed from a minstrel show.  Yes, its not racist when a black man makes jokes with racial slurs, but it certainly does draw the racists out of the woodwork like re-runs of Duck Dynasty and Justified.  (Neither of which is racist in

That is some truly heroic ass-kissing my friend.  He walks away from his popular show and, by extension, his fans.  Of course, after that, his employability dropped substantially because who's going to sign him to anything serious? And so what does he do?  After hiding for years, he shoves himself out into a hostile

@JeanLuc.  Word on the yard is that her husband Senator Jack Ryan, made her go to swingers clubs so he could show off his hot wife.  Perhaps she just goes for jerks?

Yeah.  I didn't want to bring it up because this doesn't seem like an OSC fan club, but the first three or four were really good.  I seem to remember them losing their sheen after the british lawyer hopped on board.  And then I found out OSC was a colossal shmuck and refused to buy his product anymore.

His religion isn't forcing him onto the board of NOM, his unpleasant personality is.  If you read any of his editorials on Ornery American, your quickly realize he's not a nice guy whose religion forces him to support unpleasant positions.  He's a jerk who chooses unpleasant position.  Many more than just opposition

Wait.  So, the basis for "all of Ender's Game was homophobic" was that he nicknamed the race 'The Buggers'?  I'd be the first in the "OSC is a jerk" club, but sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.  If there was some other piece, its been about ten years since I last picked it up, but I don't remember even a hint of

Its easy to get hung up on Card's homophobia.  What you need to be willing to do is look BEYOND his desire to keep gays as second class citizens.   Once you look at him as a holistic person, you realize there are LOTS more reasons to dislike him.  His 'editorials' on Ornery American read like Fox News boilerplate.  He