
If someone in real life actually treats you or any nerd badly because of something they saw in a CBS sitcom, they were going to be an asshole regardless.

Okay, but who cares though? If you’re not like the characters on this show (like a lot of nerds aren’t), are people discriminating against you because of it, or are they just trying to reference a show they think you might like? Is someone trying to pass a law to take away your collectibles?

A minority is something you’re born as. Nerd/geek culture is just stuff that you like that others might not. Like what you like and don’t worry about other people liking a show you don’t.

“because I’m a lot smarter than them”

TBH, if you self-consciously define yourself as a nerd, such that random strangers are coming up and identifying you as one, you probably have more in common with the characters on this show than you think you do.