
@DingoJunior: no i'd like giz to move the frig on and report other stories.

@DingoJunior: the issue is a dead horse. and misleading the public into reading an article is a bit lame. we get it, there is an issue....believe me we all get it. however it's not a widespread issue and not everyone is having it. i have NO issues with my i4 and i live in the boonies with low signal and NO 3g

yet another article whining about the antenna. one shrouded in the false claim of "why it's time to move on". mislead by the belief the article was about what the title stated and someone here was finally saying it's time to stop beating the dead horse.

@Arken: argh!!! that's exactly what i was going to say and you beat me to it. :( damn you! lol

@Darken Rahl: you mean after giz tried to extort apple? gee i wonder why they weren't invited.

@UGAdawg: shipped does not mean sold.

@bigtimes: i like the site too...that's why i'm here. but i do think they haven't let the fact go that they weren't invited to WWDC because of the whole prototype blackmail situation.

@bigtimes: well of course because they have to continue to beat the dead horse. there will be 42 posts about antennagate tomorrow and the day after and the day after and so on until their butt hurt finally heals.

@VtCo: or you can go on ebay and get a bumper for 2.99 SHIPPED...or w/e other case you want. you can get a clear feather case which doesn't detract from the looks of the bare phone, doesn't add more than 3/4 of a mm in size and costs 5$ or less. many easy fixes that also PROTECT the investment.

@Colage: exactly! the people who don't own one are the ones who will whine and cry the most and talk out their behinds the most.

@talkingstove: yep and my 1st gen iphone had multitasking and all the other stuff forever ago too. and?

@riggles: they were busy spitting out a dozen articles a day on the iphone reception issue....being butt hurt is time consuming ya know!

@hybridr6: lol y'all some evil bastards!

@RoodAwakening: lol i'd get the same grade for making the same assumption that an F was the universal failing grade.

@vinod1978: well it didn't exist at the time of my posting. :-P