
really? seriously? people are complete idiots! it was a music show intended to ENTERTAIN. nothing more, nothing less.

minus the Shyamalan aspect the premise of the movie sounds promising. however after reading jaden and will smith...yeah i'll skip it. i can deal with will smith but not jaden. the smith children jaden and willa are both annoying...avoid at all costs. =)

if you fear being spoiled then why click the link? LOL

it was explained that it was another timestream. the girl even went on about if it were the same timestream that stepping on a butterfly could completely alter history. y'all need to start paying attention to what you watch.

haven't read the new WW yet but back in the original WW comics she couldn't fly, that's why she had the invisible jet. later on she could ride the wind currents but not actually "fly" like superman could. it's all changed many times over the decades. the first "flying" WW was in the 86 reboot.

back to topic though....i used to love OSC as an author. ender's game is my favorite book. however since i've become aware of his bigotry and hatred i'm not much of a fan anymore. how someone can be that clueless, uneducated and just flat out wrong is beyond me. i don't know anything about quantum physics so i

and the vast majority of pedophiles are straight. please don't associate gay with pedophile. it's not a gay/pedophile or str8/pedophile kind of thing. one is a sexual identity and the other is a sickness. VERY different things.

i never said palicki was short or frumpy. notice 2 separate lines? the double space between should denote a change in what's being talked about. had i meant to infer she was short and frumpy i would have included that line in the ONLY line that refers to her in my post. =) that being said her figure does not fit

palicki was a horrendous choice. she just doesn't fit the character at all.


shock of shocks you are a liberal.

you are an angry sad little man.

i'm well aware of the meaning. there is also the little fact that 9/11 was a terrorist attack on US soil and pearl harbor was not. hawaii was not a US state at the time of the attack. pearl harbor was an act of war and 9/11 was a terrorist attack.

that wasn't a terrorist attack. the japanese weren't terrorists they were a country, an enemy. there is a difference. so as far as terrorist attacks go 9/11 is the worst in our history.

well using the term queer movement...kinda shows a homophobic stance. those of us that are gay are GAY not queer. movement? not everything is a movement. there is no gay agenda or movement in the video. lada crap is a supporter of the gay community...and there is nothing wrong with that. not trying to have an

it sounds a lot more like intolerance from the author if you read the last paragraph. seems like someone is a bit homophobic.

14 day return policy

got ya beat....6+ hours in 100 degree heat in central florida on launch day for the original iphone. insanity? just a bit.

there were no apps or app store when the original iphone was released so there was no sdk or need to get it out for day one apps. when the iphone came out you had the apps that came on the phone and that was it...until the JB community came out with some. it was like 6 months later b4 an app store was opened. from

i just did that saturday...bought a macbook pro 15. been a loyal hp owner since 98. so far i'm loving the mac and loving parallels. get the best of both...and only deal with windows when i have to. =)