
i agree.

@truthtellah: they were being facetious. there have been 4 iphones, the cdma isn't a new model. it is simply the same phone with a cdma chip instead of gsm. now where they are being facetious is the fact you'll be 2 years into your contract b4 you can upgrade...so by that time the iphone 7 will almost be a reality

@MaNiFeX: ok then you take your bicycle and enjoy the 100 mile a day commute i travel. see it helps if you pay attention to the world around you. maybe read ALL of what i said. not all of us live in big cities or immediately near them. there are needs other than your own and there are people who don't live the

@MaNiFeX: well that is great for YOU but not all of us live in large metropolitan areas, not all of us live in temperate climates and not all of us live where there is a public transit system.

@MaNiFeX: oh then you have an immediate alternative that won't cripple or destroy the world? there is no immediate solution to get us away from fossil fuels. until technology catches up and a new source of energy is found this is what we have. time should be spent on improving the technology and safety measures

@HPe: Hans you are a very angry little man.

@HPe: the word is manners and i've yet to show bad manners. you are the one screaming, not i.

@HPe: you are apparently incapable of reading comprehension.

@HPe: what blame game? this is about the video posted in this thread. going off of the video posted in this thread it is, in fact, the blackberry that is having all the problems not the iphone. this has nothing to do with the real world it has to do with this video.

like someone else pointed out....the problems were on the other guy's end and he was on a BLACKBERRY. it wasn't on the iphone's end. so the problems are with the BB...according to this sketch. obviously not what they intended but it's the reality of it nonetheless. =)

@bookmark: the initial guy found it at a bar...knowing it was a prototype and apple's property...claiming ignorance isn't a defense. and let's be clear...everyone involved prior to giz getting the phone and everyone after...everyone was perfectly in the know of what they had and what their legal obligations were.

@Bant: Electric Burger: purchasing stolen property is no different than stealing it yourself. look into the law. it is called possession of stolen property and depending on the value can be a misdemeanor or a felony. add to that the attempted extortion and....yeah it was a big ole legal mess.

@apricotmuffins: i'm not talking about our nosiness in telling other countries what to do and sticking our noses in where it doesn't belong. i don't agree with that and i don't support it.

@TnOdyssey001: oh i know if i make fun of your book then i'm the bad guy. yet you can make assumptions about me, say idiotic things and tell me i chose to be a target for homophobes and that's all perfectly acceptable.

@SeraphX2: the fact i live it every day should tell you i know more about it than you do. you are an ignorant clueless tool but because your book of fiction tells you...or i should say your interpretation of your book of fiction tells you otherwise you will never get a clue. i'm surprised you aren't out there tying

@apricotmuffins: if it is necessary to preserve my way of life then it is justified. if it comes down to me or the enemy then i want my military to wipe my enemy off the planet.

@TnOdyssey001: sorry if you don't like how i worded it but the fact remains that i know a LOT more about being gay than you do....unless of course there is something you'd like to admit? =)

@apricotmuffins: to defend ourselves. should we just lay down and surrender our way of life? should we just hand over the country? if we are attacked should we just shrug our shoulders and ignore it? when pearl harbor was bombed should we have just ignored it and allowed it to happen over and over again and say

@TnOdyssey001: ignorance is ignorance...please don't join seraph in that. thanks.