
@quitcherbichinn: oh and look at that...engadget doesn't have a single article about it. guess they realize people don't wanna see 15 articles a day on the same topic. just sayin.

@RoodAwakening: in what country do you live that an "E" is used in grading? you are referring to schooling right? never heard of an "E" grade in my 37 years of life.

yet another article about the i4 reception? *facepalm*

@Andinator: LOL love it! and i've been saying it for weeks now. horse...dead...let it go. love the .gif.

@chef_: neither extreme is any good. however when they are polishing the knob at least it is about different aspects and not just the same exact issue/thing. yeah it'll be 20 posts about the iphone but 20 posts about different aspects or accessories or something. but with this it is 20 posts a day about the same

@DancinDatsyuk: same here. and i live in the boonies with no 3g and crap signal and i still don't have this issue people are whining about.

@Almightywhacko: could have. it was a little presumptuous for me to state in my original reply what is and isn't fact...since i haven't been there in almost a year. a lot changes in a year. but yeah i remember them changing their plans to give everyone free calling to any mobile.

@Almightywhacko: like i said i got chewed out by a lot of customers for overages and being sold "unlimited" but having a 5gb cap. it's by far the worst job i've ever had and the most i've ever gotten threatened and yelled at. maybe they 86'd it to keep their employees out of the line of fire? lol

@Almightywhacko: don't work there anymore so i don't have access to their brochures. unless they've changed it in the last several months there is a cap. up unitl last sept when i left there was a data cap...that was stated in fine print in the brochure. it seems feasible that they would remove that cap as yet

@gebinsk: um apple broke the law how? going after the people that tried to blackmail them to get their property back? hrm..i'm lost here.

@hole: dude you are a tool seriously. the only one looking like a moron yesterday or today is you. now go back to your mom's basement the world doesn't like trolls like you.

@TheNimboo: the free and clear plan is a LONG dead plan. the codes aren't in the system anymore and cause a conflict on new devices...in the system that is. iRMS won't let you put a free and clear plan on a pre, instinct, android device. they are just extremely old and outdated.

@Almightywhacko: sprint is a 5gb cap. look it up, i kid you not. former employee here so trust me on this it does have a cap....though they won't typically zap you unless you are going over a lot monthly. try hitting 7 or 8gb of usage in a month and tell me what your bill looks like. ;) i've had to have the

@saxgod: yeah they are great at working with you when you are behind on payment because..well...that's the quality customers they have. the vast majority...from my experience...couldn't get att or vzw or even tmo because their credit was so horrendous that none of them would touch them without a 500$+ deposit.

@tasteskindasalty: actually it isn't anymore. sprint doesn't own their own towers.

@hole: oh and btw...i have an iphone 4 and i have NO issues with it. i can hold it however i want and i don't lose reception.

@hole: dude get a life seriously. take your bigotry somewhere else. all you are doing is showing your lack of intelligence.

@The_Vitto: it's not truly unlimited, just labeled as such. there is a 5gb data cap on the phones just like the usb sticks.

@ctkatz: i know you stated gsm. however it still served my purpose which was to show that your own words support me. =)