
ok sorry for an earlier post...just actually read the beginning of this guys letter....

@coketown: making a scene, and ass of yourself, is the quickest way to shut a person/employee down. having worked in the cell business people like you are the exact ones that got absolutely nowhere. you really do get further with people if you treat them decently. those that came in with frustrating issues that

@Guard: i agree. every year when the refresh comes out everyone who has had their phone for a year or less bitches and whines that they can't get the full upgrade price and can't comprehend why they aren't entitled to it. they don't care they got 500-600$ discounted off the cost of the phone a year ago and only

woo hooo! got my att confirmation email that the phone has been sent. still no data available on the fedex site but this is promising. =)

@thisisasticup: that sounds feasible and should be something the company should have been able to tell me. you lessened my concerns a bit...thanks.

@Jacknut: the girl at att told me they are sending the phones out in batches. because of the huge number of units being moved they are assigned tracking numbers but no info will show until the batch that has your tracking number in it is physically picked up. so it's "in progress"...at least it is making progress.

@Matthew VanAndel: i don't think so as mine is a 32gb and it shows as shipped. see my issue below....

does anyone get tracking info when they click the fedex link? when i click mine it gives a "no info found" and when i call the 1-800 it says the number has no info.

@n00neimp0rtant: um yeah a threat like that to them would make them laugh. like they are making any money off of you? the whole point of a business is to make money and at 6$ a month for a data plan you are costing them more than they are making...so it's really not a viable threat.

@eCommArchitect: given the fact android has a smaller (all be it not massively smaller) market share that isn't quite true. given time they may just overtake iOS. but also keep in mind that it is taking a dozen + different handsets from different manufacturers to get that number and apple is doing it with ONE

@eCommArchitect: yep the evo has some great specs but it's just completely obscene in person. it's like holding a flippin notebook. it's a phone not a tablet. it's just way too friggen big and looks completely stupid. seeing people in the store holding it to their heads gave me a laugh...they look like complete

@jmanak: just pay the full retail...i believe it's 699$. if you expect to get it for 200$ without a contract you are insane. they are already losing 500$ up front by subsidizing it and apple also gets a portion...big portion...of the monthly service so it take att many months to break even...hence the 2 year

@Kamidari: i received my confirmation within a few mins this morning (around 5:30am). it also shows on the order tracking page and they took the money out of my account so they've been paid.

@FlyACL: sadly you won't be getting a white one next thursday. apple isn't offering it till later in the summer, same with at&t so i don't see BB being special and getting white ones. apple would certainly withhold the stock of white phones for themselves. but if i end up being wrong...congrats on getting the holy

@iphone_myphone: yep and all those people who were guaranteed their plan grandfathered lost it when upgrading this morning. i've read several comments from people going from a 3g/s with the unlimited plan and having to choose one of the two current data plans. so your phone call aside, there are people who were

@Gabriel Schlumberger: doubt it since i got right through on att with no problems after 90 minutes of trying and failing on the apple site.

@bdouglashall: i thought the same but then...after trying for an hour and a half(4-5:30am) i went to the att site and it was finally showing for pre-order. i chose the 32gb, chose the plan, checked out and done. so i don't think it was a problem on att's side...this time.

@Muzzled: that's because of tariffs and a vat tax. you guys have the vat tax right? were it not for that it would cost the same as it does here in the states.

well bloody flippin hell that was a nightmare!! after an hour and a half being kicked in the nads by apple.com the order finally went through on att.com.

@iphone_myphone: i will guarantee you that there is no way you will go from a 20$ 2g plan to a non-existent 30$ plan. if it were a week and a half ago then you'd be right. but now that a 30$ unlimited plan doesn't exist they sure as hell aren't going to give it to you.