
@iphone_myphone: i will guarantee you that there is no way you will go from a 20$ 2g plan to a non-existent 30$ plan. if it were a week and a half ago then you'd be right. but now that a 30$ unlimited plan doesn't exist they sure as hell aren't going to give it to you.

@Meredith Woerner: yeah there's the "m" above the speaker/where the speaker is and the crappy center controls. it's a really god awful phone but i used to sell them...only way i knew. =)

it's a moto q not a bb. =)

@iphone_myphone: incorrect. since the old 30$ unlimited plan is now a distant memory that won't happen. his options are going to be...stay on the 1g iphone with the 20$ 2g service or get the iphone 4 and upgrade to one of the new data plans. there won't be a "oh you are a loyal customer so let us give you a special

@BigAeroMan: if it is like sapphire crystal then it will be almost 100% scratch proof. my Rado watch has a sapphire crystal face and that bitch doesn't scratch for anything. if the materials they claim to use are accurate then it should be quite nice.

@saxgod: hahahahaha sprint give money? good luck. lol they are SO broke.

@saxgod: i will agree that apple was a bit draconian in it all. however look at it from their point of view and really the law's point of view. whereas i love this site....they did try to blackmail them. "we'll give you back YOUR property if you admit it is the new iphone." well that's not really legal. giz was

@nahde: like the phones in Earth: Final Conflict. now that i'd like.

@tenazrael: all depends on where you live...like every other carrier. though from experience from sprint, att, and vzw i can say from the customer view and employee view that sprint is only marginally better than att in coverage (though they still suck and i got screamed at daily over excessive dropped calls) but

@tenazrael: having worked at sprint i can tell you that IS a page from the weekly playbook...though it is cutting off the language to the right of the pic...so who knows what it fully says.

@dennis636223: read the fine print...sprint's "unlimited" plan has been a 5gb cap for a long long time. and that's not just on the aircards but on the add on data plans for the phones too.

@sleepneed: i'm pretty sure Nick knows what iDen is.

@skraelingshortbus: without a doubt the android music player app blows big time. i use doubletwist...still not awesome but leaps and bounds better.

@artdude102: but there's nothing for them to cover their asses from...in this situation at least.

@FragRev: best of luck. from personal experience with att and the iphone and replacements/exchanges...it's not going to go anywhere near as easy as you are expecting.

@artdude102: legal difficulties? class action suit? over what?? because morons bought a new iphone in the last month KNOWING a new version would be coming out? how is there ANYTHING to sue over?? they willingly bought a device. they are going to sue over their own stupidity? seriously? oh yes that's

yeah i call total BS on this one.

@saxgod: geezuz how old are you? 12? and i thought i bitched and whined a lot. i can see now that i am mistaken and you have me beat HANDS DOWN.

@Hellmalm the Swede: yep and when his greed takes over...when her realizes there is a potential for 90+ million more iphone sales...he'll fork out the minute expense of a cdma version. look at the cost of the parts to build the iphone to begin with...it's a MINIMAL cost...not even something for apple to blink at. 69