Operation Harpoon? I’m glad they went with some subtelty.
Operation Harpoon? I’m glad they went with some subtelty.
Not even titties can get me to go through times square.
wow. Talk about missing the point.
It may not be in the bible but I’m certain it’s in the constitution.
That cross looks awfully heavy.
Sadly it sould have been more than a single empty chair...
How is not a single one able to get this fucker in court? One has to be within the chargeable time-frame?
Jesus christ! What the fuck is that? (I’m talking about the thing on the left).
Are they gingers? I bet they’re gingers.
More the thruppence. But otherwise spot on.
This makes no sense. Why isn’t the logo just a giant robot?
This makes perfect sense. Because if they are sealed again we’ll all just forget about this whole raping 40+ (50+?) women thing and the Cosby show can go back on the air. That’s how it works, right?
As long as they put in support for 2 N64 controllers.
Now, now... let’s not get carried away here.
I really, really wish i could say I was surprised....
I don’t see what the problem is. The queen was just acknowledging her German ancestry.
Isn't that how just about every rom-com works?
It's so unbelievably creepy.