The commandments are ranked in order of importance. It’s alright to do (for example) #7 if it means stopping #4. And obviously “thou shall not have choice over your own body” is higher up than “thou shall not bear false witness”. Right?
Indeed. I'm approved over at gawker but won't be going there for quite a while. They need to sort that shit out.
Should i wait for the PC version with the better graphics?
...and the postman.
You missed it. It's right above you.
That's a soddingly poor pun.
Read it yesterday. Very well done piece.
Little Sisters of the Poor Understanding of the meaning of Complicit more like.
Yeah it’s kinds an old joke that just doesn’t hold up but we stick with it for whatever reason.
She’s got that creepy adoring Duggar stare going on...
Who cares. No one will notice.
Surely you can't be serious?
Totally fair. If I glance and see a large amount of all caps I don’t even bother reading it. Same if someone starts with calling someone a name (sheeple, rethuglicans, libtards, etc).
So we have 40+ women saying Cosby raped them and now Cosby practically admitting to drugging women. How can this not be headed to court?
Get with the times. It’s 40+ nowadays.
I refuse to belive “Chuck Knoblauch” is a real name. I want to see the long form birth certificate.