“I am not perfect. Nor are you.”
“I am not perfect. Nor are you.”
It’s like he’s a bad person and his eyes are trying to get away.
Is the audience for this piece “people who just discovered the Internet”?
Another tip: When their profile pic has glasses that appear to be floating in the space in front of their face. Seriously, what’s up with that top photo?
In that neck of the woods, he could be all three.
Couldn't agree more. I have never been able to figure out why our system is set up the way it is. I do suspect it serves as a way of not giving the actual populace complete control over who ends up in office, which is bullshit.
Sanders aside, can anyone explain why superdelegates are a thing? Or caucuses? Or even delegates? Why aren’t primaries straight popular vote. For that matter, why the fuck isn’t the presidential race straight popular vote.
high priced fundraising dinners in general are bad. that’s the point. the american campaign system is disgusting.
I’m a litigator. Sometimes I’ll do oral argument before the Court and think, “shit, that felt like rambling. I bet I sounded so dumb. I must do better next time.” And then I get the transcript back and I’ve spoken eloquently throughout it. Comparatively, I imagine Palin is like “nailed it” after a speech and then…
A post has been making the Facebook rounds about a woman who sends pictures of her shits to guys who send her dick pics.
Listen, the very notion that they’re genuinely “doing” anything is flattering to them. If they were serious about some sort of insurrection against government, they could—would—have picked virtually any other building in North America to start it. They don’t want a fight. They want to get interviewed on Fox News.
I’m a scientist, so I constantly have to convert back and forth between the metric system and freedom units.
Canada is in a lot of ways what America is supposed to be.
“Kurt Russell” was the name of Disney’s beloved boyhood sled.
So does Salman Rushdie sell monogrammed thermoses or something?
When that oil ETF your dad’s friend talked you into goes down 7% the day after you invest.
Poor soldier, having to attend a Rams game. Hasn’t he sacrificed enough?