Amat et canem meum

Old Guard Republicans fear Trump not because he might beat Walker and Bush, but because Trump will drive Democrats to the polls in *historic* numbers.

Ed Sheeran is a giant talent. What a treat it must have been. Also, fuck Snow Patrol. Good on you for walking.

On vacation in Florida.

“the least thought-about city of half a million people in the country.”

I logged in just to star you, babe. *High five*

You mean hot, mean, and incompetent?

"Inside the complimetary drink.I found a Metal clip that I almost swolled.I ask the server and he mentioned that this metal clip had come off the ice Plastic bag into the dispensary. I contacted South West Airline right away after i got off the plane and they offer me a $50 voutcher for my troubles. I told them

'monogrammed thermosery'

Thank you. A million times this.

"By the way, the G6 is a car, not a plane."