
And again you jump to conclusions as to why I posted anything. I'm not pissy about anything. I sincerely want to learn about this type of stuff, and feel yet another "Assholes vs. Nice guys" article is just redundant, and to be perfectly frank, I also feel these articles oftentimes unfairly pigeon-hole single men

And what would you surmise the purpose of that request was, huh? What do you suppose the purpose of having a few articles about what some women might be doing wrong in the search for companionship might be? Perhaps it's because I sincerely want to know and am actually curious.

I DID start with questions. I wasn't making assumptions and was genuinely asking about the articles in those magazines.

The question for me there would be whether those magazines are always giving women good, sound advice about men, or just idealized, feel-good advice. I would also be curious as to how those magazines and advice columns shape women's expectations and opinions of men.

Thanks for that response. It's cool to hear a women's perspective on what some women may be doing to mess up their love lives, and congrats on the long-term relationship!

I'm with you there on the cynicism. I wish I weren't though.

This "assholes" versus "nice guys" debate/discussion/whatever gets on my nerves. Could we shine the spotlight on the ladies who can't figure out how to find a good man? Just for a little while? I'm sure there are plenty of socially awkward ladies out there doing some things that turn good men away, and have a

"The solution to pollution is dilution"

Rich People Are (More Successful) Lying Cheaters, Says Science

I will accept your unproven, evidence lacking theory based on faith. Have you ever considered a career in religion? :D

So it wasn't his wit and charm that got him laid? That's an interesting development.

This is exactly why after breaking up with my last girlfriend, I deleted her number, her e-mail and blocked her on Facebook. It wasn't that I hated her. In fact, it was quite the opposite. I knew I was still deeply in love with her, but I didn't want the temptation there or have her affecting any future

But are you sure we'll take you?

The odds are against the LHC destroying the Earth, I know. What a disappointment. Try, try again. :)

You know those episodes of TNG where they would come across a world where the population had been wiped out eons ago due to a massive experiment gone wrong?

I don't think Hollywood would consider originality to be an issue.

The law of averages says that if Michael Bay makes enough Transformers movies, eventually one of them will be a cinematic masterpiece rather then utter garbage.

Perhaps this is some evidence of BMW douchery.

You'd better get cracking at writing that romantic comedy about the girl studying romantic comedies, because now that this article is out there, you can guarantee that someone in Hollywood has already latched onto the idea.

They did a great job with Brienne. I'll have to change what she looks like in my head when I read the book now...