

I'd like to think my list is open-source, so yes, it's now on the list.

I wanna guess! I wanna guess!

Ha! Fair enough. You'd best hurry!

Well I need a goddamn hug, so joke or no joke, it's happening.

You can't fool me!

Now playing

And there's the ones who don't talk it out before-hand...

The thing about proposing to a Leafs fan is that you know they'll be deeply committed through the bad times, and boy have Leafs fans been through a lot of bad times.

Now playing

But bacon tastes goood. Porkchops taste gooood.

Woah. Sorry. I was making a joke. Hugs? :)

So my pop-culture reference was relevant on more than one level? That's so cool. Also, that's a great version of the song. You've made my night! Thanks!

I just want you to know that you're alone in those feelings. Everyone else loves Bruce Willis. One is the loneliest number. :)

I was excited about this movie from the second I heard about it. I hadn't read John Carter of Mars, but I went out and read the book, because it sounded great. The book tapped into this aspect of being a kid again, and I really enjoyed it.

Attached through the mind and die at the same time? I think we know who to call.

I propose a live Growing Pains reunion episode, where Alan Thicke comes out of character and gives Kirk a good smack upside the head.

He attacked her with bad health decisions and the threat of diabetes. Cruel bastard.

I don't care what it says on the side-bar. There are plenty of articles on Jez that I enjoy reading. It doesn't matter to me one bit that it's geared towards women. I don't have to be a women to enjoy. Can only men give insight on io9 or Deadspin, because the majority of their audience is male and they are geared

Thanks for the sites. It's interesting that you would be so passionately against one guy, in one article, in one post suggesting something different, when there's already plenty of sites geared directly to women. You're acting like it's some sort of sacred women's territory.

No, it's the fact that I've read this same article multiple times and have never heard anything new since the first.