
Where once The Graduate was learning lessons from an old lady, now The Graduate is, mayhaps, offering lessons to a younger generation...sexually.

Your synopsis about this Batman movie isn't entirely incorrect. It's just incomplete.

"If the film makes money they're happy and never cast a thought to what could have been; in fact they feel justified."

What The Man-Beast (good name btw) is implying is that you need to go read World War Z. Now. Shut up, stop thinking about replying to this message. Go to your nearest bookstore, library or self-respecting nerdy neighbor and get your hands on this book. Why are you still reading this? GO! NOW!

I'm with you on this too. The show is good, but mostly I'm meh about the whole thing. Mind you, I'm quite meh about the comic too.

Ahhhh, nice is such a nice word. I like nice. I want things to be nice.

Yesterday I was getting my hair cut and the barber was more concerned with making conversation than cutting hair. While I was thinking "damn it, cut my hair and get it over with," I was also kicking myself for being so impatient. The guy was interesting and pleasant, and I had no reason to be in a rush. Plus he did

We find out that Dan had a heart-attack and Roseanne wrote the scripts for 6 seasons of this crazy television show to deal with it.

I'd had this impossible theory in my head for the longest time that when Duke Nukem Forever came out, we'd all find out that Duke Nukem was actually Gordon Freemen after the Half-Life series ended. It would be this insane revelation and the world would implode on it-self shortly after.

It's never going to come is it? *sniff* I'm not going to cry. I'm NOT going to cry.

@onagotasolo: You may be the only one. I wish you hadn't mentioned it though, because now I'm thinking of Half-Life now too.

@Tangent: By these standards? Yes. Apparently it does.

@user_21938: Haha! No kidding. I knew plenty of people who jumped on the Vancouver band-wagon for patriotic reasons. Boston has more Canadian players though. Patriotism based in a multi-national sport is just nonsense.

@Koolaider: Yeah, next season will be rough, but it will be an opportinity year in that there will be no expectations of them but full support. They will have that year to spend at the top of the cap and build the team they want to have two years from now. They're in a somewhat enviable position, I think.

@Chirotera: And now they're in Winnipeg where they can drop the name and spend at the limit of the cap.

I never said it's unsustainable. There certainly is an upward limit to where this process will just stop working, and these red woods may be coming to that limit.

I'm a little rusty on this stuff, but trees don't exactly "expend" energy to send water up to the top. It's a process using osmosis at the leaves to bring water up through the tree with cappillary action. In other words, the water evaporates at the top, and the rest of the water is pulled up like a chain with no

This reminds me how much better Half-Life is then its sequels. So good. So very, very good.