
@quothmarc: Also on that list I would put the Myth series by Robert Aspirin.

What about when the guy tells the girl that he loves her after sex, but the girl goes out of her way to explain how badly she wants to say it but can't...and one time while cuddling and both the guy and girl are half-asleep the guy says he loves her and she responds that she loves him too, but later she doesn't seem

@Illundiel: Yeah, I like to jack off too.

The shot at 10 seconds makes the dude look like a superhero.

It doesn't matter how much I try, I can't seem to like that costume.

My girlfriend and I recently discovered that this position drives her insane. She loves it. I love it. Good times!

@smirkette: You're so right. It's become more difficult to work in how much the pay will be. There were a couple interviews I've had where the interviewer would send me a number of probing questions to figure out how low they could go.

@DharmaLab: My thoughts exactly. Objectives are old hat. I've replaced that garbage with a Professional Profile. It's a few bullet-points giving my biggest highlights. None of this "My goal is to provide your company with flowers and love until the end of time" business.

Pictures can be useful, though getting a picture of the interviewer in a compromising position can sour their opinion of you when you extort them...

@mjt308: I suppose it would be alright to fly to India to buy an iPad then fly back. Amiright?

@takeshi: "Everyone needs 73°C below zero rated boots for cold weather."

Sorel's rated for -73°C below zero. Why bother with these? I would prefer NOT to get my toes amputated.

@comics0026: I completely agree. Your toes would freeze pretty quickly even in -10°C for extended periods I bet. Nevermind when there's a -40°C cold snap. Give me my Sorel's over this nonsense.

I forgive all of you dummies for not being as great as me.

@Steezy McFresh: Me too actually. Neither of them were very interesting in the stories as characters. They were mainly just plot devices (especially Gyllenhaal).

@afrocoolbeans: I want the Bane from The Animated Series. I remember him having a Spanish accent or something. They could have a dance sequence! All Spanish people can dance, right?

@eric-the-ded: Batman's back is getting broken in the third act leaving Batman crippled and useless. It will be the end of Nolan's Batman with no options for another sequel, and would provide a powerful, tragic ending.

@Kowboy: Back-breaking.

I've always found Anne Hathaway really boring. There's no energy there. I'm bored with Catwoman being a villain too. Meh.

The best part of this movie will be NOT seeing it.