
@Batman: An enlightening read. Thanks for that. Gaiman FTW.

@Nipz: No. I worded it correctly. If I said "doesn't", it would have meant that an author should leave their politics out when it does NOT serve the story, but the meaning I want is that every decision made by the author should be to serve the story.

@Mokon: When my sister got me GT1 as a gift, I was like wtf. Then I started playing it, and GT2 came out soon after. I was completely hooked on GT2 for a long time.

Q: When should an author leave out his/her politics from the story?

I remember years ago Will Wright (may have been Sid Meier, but anyways, some iconic game designer) said in an interview that he would go into a game like Quake or Unreal, and try to get everyone in the game to meet at the center of the map and not shoot each other.

When I was a little kid, I told my friends that I was allergic to quicksand. To this day I don't know why anyone believed me. The absurdity of such an allergy baffles me, and I don't know why I ever thought of it.

I wouldn't call this an E.T. ripoff. This dude only got them an inch above the ground. E.T. was pulling off some extreme vertical! EXTREME!

@NarcoSleepy: Pedaling increases their air-speed velocity...or something. I got nothing...

When I buy used furniture, I'm cheating furniture manufacturers out of money. Right...

@SpammerOvTheGods: Wait...is that one pixelated fish inseminating that other pixelated fish?

So am I still a Pisces?

@Glum Cunt: People's own wordiness gets in their way.

@monkeybiziu: Yeah. It's not for everybody. Humidity over 80% though? The places I've been to have very dry heats, which I'm sure would make it easier to stand. And a half-hour class is pretty short. Every class I've been to is at least an hour.

@BorderRat: .......................yes. Really. Shaddup.

@princesslala: That certainly is part of it, but it is also to sum up what's on your resume.

@Glum Cunt: That's just it though, you can't worry about whether you're being too this or too that. Odds are you won't know exactly what they're looking for, so why not just keep it to the point and get on with life. Don't get emotionally involved with the cover letter. It's a formality.

@BlueBeard: It's the pictures that weird me out.

@so long marianne: Well I fudged it a bit. Mine is actually 4 paragraphs, but that's just because I have to account for two specifically different things that would both fall in the second paragraph.