
It's all about baby steps.

@Paul_Is_Drunk: And if this Stephen Hawkings guys is so smart, why doesn't he have his OWN television show?

@Static Jak: Without all the bickering and pettiness though, we would just be some lame hive mind, or a hippie commune. Not much worth saving there.

@BellhopKitteh: Mankind could play that game until the end of time. Considering the likely-hood of a sequel, we may very well be.

@Covenant: It's so simple that it just might....

@sephycloneno15: Oh man! The game always ends in 2010. Only 10 years! I think the only option left is for someone to go for the ever lame Diplomatic Victory. Someone's going to be real pissed when they their score gets them rated as equal to Ronald Reagan.

Oh the futility of it all. Perhaps we ought to dispense with all the tom-foolery and get to f*cking RIGHT AWAY!

@Arleas: Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

@Altima NEO: That British announcer is horrible.

Hayao, say it ain't so.

@Sabithomega: And the dead horse has officially been beaten. You're missing my point. I don't know how you can't see the distinction I'm making. Let's just let this go.

@Sabithomega: Nope. Not the same thing. You made the assertion that I was "not willing to respect another persons work." I'm perfectly willing. I'm just not going to care about the same stuff as you.

Excuse me while I go pound a few dimples into my car.

@Sabithomega: Who said anything about an unwillingness to respect someone's work? Just don't expect other people to respect, or share the same level of respect for the same things you do.

@icarus212001: Yup. That does happen. I sure didn't bring it up though.

@Arbiduck: Quite serious. I missed my girl so much that night.