
@AncientUnknown1: Sometimes though, people skim through a book because the writing and story isn't up to snuff. People may be disregarding it for a reason. The writer may have put a lot of thought and time into something, but that doesn't mean it isn't crap.

@kainzero: I played through Starcraft 2 in exactly the same way (except not on brutal, because it's too brutal for my skill level). In one mission you can find a secret mission or something. I didn't get it my first time through, and I'd have to replay the majority of the campaign to get it.

@Sabithomega: Just because somebody spent time doing something, does not mean others must take time to respect the work they did. If you love a game (or ANYTHING else) and appreciate the craftsmanship of it so much that you can spend hours upon hours enveloped in that world, then good for you. That's great.

@Sabithomega: There's a "correct" way to play a game? Think about that for a moment, and get back to me when you discover how foolish that sounds.

@icarus212001: I don't know how you construe social stigma from obsessive-compulsive.

@Aileron00: What I'm saying though, is that the article explores the issue as if people skipping that extra content is a problem. It isn't, and it's ridiculous to consider it as a problem for the very same reasoning you've just described.

@Cpryd001: That's just it, all that extra crap really can turn gaming into a chore.

@icarus212001: Again, I say that's bogus. So a "True" gamer is compelled to see and do everything in a game? Considering the amount of extra sh*t stuffed into some games, I'd more define that as obsessive-compulsive.

@Arbiduck: Once I drove really, really far on this rather treacherous highway just so that I could sit on a beach and see the sun set over the Pacific ocean.

@emag: Haha, I remember buying a used copy of Shenmue, then returning it within the week. The person working the til thought I was insane. My complaint was that I'd been playing for several hours, and nothing interesting had happened yet. There were layers and layers of depth to the story, but it was all boring,

Want to buy my car? There's a tape-recorder in the glove-box with a mundane story about going to get groceries. Hidden throughout the vehicle, there are plastic, gold-coloured coins. Spend hours collecting them all and feel satisfied that you have a batch of worthless, plastic coins.

@data_enabler: That's bogus. A "True gamer" will feel compelled to see everything? Different people will enjoy games differently. I have no desire to spend my time trying to find everything in a game or to explore every nook and cranny. I have a life to live outside the game, and spending hours hunting down those

@LFCD: Awe man, you beat me!

@Laho: I'm sure she will make her prison pimp very happy.

@Celestial Panda: Ahhh, ok. I never knew about that. Still though, it doesn't seem like Microsoft really miss-treats the companies working for them. Not like, say, Activision or EA have been known to in the past. Of course, EA's been out of the news in that regard for a while now and seems to be behaving

@Celestial Panda: I never really got the impression that Bungie disliked working under Microsoft. MC just let them do what they wanted, and a slew of great games was the result.