
For the win.

First of all, Buzz, everyone knows that punctuation is overrated. Second, it is common knowledge that the best argument is based on opinion and misinformation, rather than actual facts.

Blame Bush, blame Bush - the go to argument of the blind Obama lover. Open your eyes. Obama has had nearly 7 years - SEVEN YEARS - to so called “clean up” Bush’s mess. Now tell me...has the world stage improved in the last 7 years? How many country’s conflicts have we involved ourselves in under Obamas watch? How many

Couldn’t agree with you more. Well said.

DirkaDirk, meet “Troll,” Putin’s newly appointed propaganda minister (and personal fluffer).

Good point, and well said.

Yet you provide zero basis for your own argument. You can’t justify your own view points so you resort to the categorical denial of the views of others. You’re obviously quite the intelligent fella.

Be careful Buzz...Obama trolls have been known to bite.

Question: How long have you and Mr. Obama been together? It sure sounds like things are getting serious.