Would be nice if there was a site here that... ugh, I can’t keep up the sarcasm.
That reaction from the community mod speaks to a whole different level of problem. Realistically, the Roadmap for this season is now is transparently trying to make minimal content look like big features. It lists bosses that minimally change 3 minutes of a 15 minute encounter by swapping a single mechanic as ‘big…
I think that is fine though. The response to that is quite simple: “It’s disappointing that players would rather spoil something cool we made for them, but we’re going to keep pushing out new content.”
The MS accessibility controller is one of the most beautiful stories in gaming in the past decade. It doesn’t make any money, it’s for an extremely select audience and practically nobody knows about it. But it’s a game changer (literally ) for the people who use it. I’d love to see first party offerings from the other…
I don’t know, view this from a non-Goop angle, and is it really surprising that a candle (or anything, for that matter) advertised as smelling like Gwyneth Paltrow’s pussy would move like hotcakes? Now there’s another idea, hotcakes infused with the scent, and taste, of Gwyneth’s pussy.
I can't believe people take video game cosmetics this seriously, but here we are.
Some things in this article bugged me, sooooo..
Speaking of, I feel cheated that Palpatine was resurrected by opening crawl and we never found out exactly how he survived. That was some bullshit.
Linear fusion rifle kills is a requirement for this season’s Crucible pinnacle weapon and it’s the only one not in the Heavy slot. Bungie knew what they were doing. I haven’t played Crucible yet (it’s my favorite activity) but I’m half-excited to and half-dreading to see how hilarious it is.
Yeah, this isn’t exactly horizon zero Dawn or God of war appearing on Xbox and PC. This feels more like Sony somehow being backed into a wall and forced to do it. Honestly, I suppose I can understand owned and developed exclusives (Although at this point, God of War and Horizon Zero have been out long enough on PS4 at…
Reads to me like MLB insisted on it. And I don’t know how many systems The Show sells, it’s not like Sony won’t make more money from it.
I like to think that one of the cool things about Kotaku is that you can come here for more information than you’ll get from a publisher’s press release. This is a good example of that. It’s not necessarily controversial or explosive info — it’s just context that you won’t find anywhere else.
There are tons of AAA single player games that aren’t online services. Tons of them. I don’t know why people keep ignoring them to push this false “SP games are dying” narrative.
Well, I think that the casual alternatives for “k” include useful information in that they include your tone and feelings, rather than a mechanical “k,” but rereading it, I think you’re right that the author doesn’t really explicitly point out what’s lost from the message.
Why is it my responsibility for how YOU perceive something?
I don’t mind the rewards mostly being cosmetic, if only the cosmetics were better. Those lightsaber pieces, as you mentioned, are barely perceptible. A wider array of outfit options would be cool. Or even lore drops that tell more distinct side stories (I like the lore that’s in the game, but most of what I’ve found…
sometimes really subtle things like how someone responds to “ok” tells you a lot about them as a person. so when someone interprets that THEY think “ok” is dismissive, it tells me they are the sort of person i dont want to deal with. people spend so much time talking and socializing and being afraid that someone’s…
and people wonder why we introverts hate everyone. you all keep inventing these stupid rules and making interacting with anyone a complete chore. if somebody thinks im rude or dismissive by typing “ok” to their text and gets offended, they deserve it and they did it to themselves. as far as im concerned they are doing…
Screw this. If k or ok does the job that is what I am using. If you can’t handle it.....too bad.