
What a stupid commercial disguised as an article. It is a real shame what this once great website has devolved into lately.

This is what I came to the comments for, this was the real main reason it was removed and it was entirely understandable, if disappointing. For pvp it wasn’t that big of a deal, it was even fun to smack a res-lock back down in Trials.

I had the exact same reaction.

The 1 million+ current active players probably beg to differ, but don’t let us get between you and your obvious axe to grind. 

Fucked up how you want people to lose jobs because you don’t like a thing

Don’t worry, as long as they keep getting assholes like you turning up to post jibes about the job security of actual people, they’ll have the traffic to keep going.

did they fix the stupid rolling numbers on item prices? nothing says figuring out what to drop based on price like waiting 5 seconds for the game to tell you how much each item costs.

I disagree. I’d much rather have a well-paced 20 hour game than a game stretched to 40 hours. Almost no games are Witcher 3 best-of-both-worlds.

I don’t get this idea that a 30 hour experience isn’t worth $60 when people regularly spend $20 on a 2 hour movie.

I mean, isn’t this list kind of flawed, since “not Joker” and the main character from Jedi: Fallen Order are the same guy?

If only EA had a studio that specialized in making RPGs, with a history of making Star Wars RPGs even...

I love paying 70+ dollars (plus a monthly fee) to have the privilege of paying full price for year-old games that will—AT BEST—have mild amounts of noticeable input latency.

This game’s growing on me.

Would you be super “scared” of the hyperbole headline then?

Really don’t understand why this isn’t presented as an option in the article.

I get that, but what I don’t get is after all these years of it being an issue that no one along the line of development says something like, “Hey.  This looks good, but you know many people don’t have massive screens or playing a foot or two away.  Let’s make this a bit bigger.”  

Say what you will, but I think the Ouya 2 shows great promise.

One where users can block people they don’t want to interact with is a good start. This whole “blocked until we give you our blessed approval” was doomed to fail. 

I disagree that the commenting system sucks. What commenting systems out there are better? Disqus?* Umm...some other one?

It sucks that EA never gave Andromeda a second chance. Even the people who hated Andromeda knew that there is potential to fix the game and its story via DLCs. If people were to choose between Anthem or an Andromeda DLC, people will go for the latter. Andromeda contains what people like about Bioware while none of