
Nothing weird about the Deadspin post about autoplaying videos dissapearing.

Or even a short train ride from Washington, DC.

This is a bad take. The Cubs bandwagon is can’t hold a candle to how shitty Boston and their fans are.

A Red Sox fan criticizing another team’s fanbase would be like if Arby’s started doing restaurant reviews.

Some thoughts:

So I am speaking from long experience when I say that the Washington bandwagon is very likely to be the most insufferable one ever to come rolling down the pike.

MLB instructed the home team to wear alternate jerseys so the president is the only obvious white national in the stadium.

Maybe this makes me a bad person, but at this point I’m just following Fallout 76 news for the entertainment value.

I recently took my dad to see Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band and even at 92 years old (or whatever) he still rocked. He should be, like, No. 40 or something.


Delays that happen this close to release day announcements both amuse me, and make me feel really bad for the producers. You know that for the last five months they’ve been talking with Sony, and with the rest of the dev team, trying to negotiate between the publisher wanting to release, and the the overall state of

And this is what irks me the most. The price they are offering is NOT server side. You are most likely paying a monthly fee to UNLOCK the ability to HOST a server, not BUY a server (sorry the caps lock is not for the original poster but dumbasses that are trying to defend this). If this is a server ran world, why is

actually Playstation Now is $10 a month now. Recent change

WoW is $15 for over a decade’s worth of content, continuous free updates, and a huge, active player base.

Yikes, if it’s indeed peer 2 peer then I retract my statement, it’s pretty much a rip off.

Alcohol. Typically alcohol makes men try to do this and think it’ll be fun/cute.

I hate using advertising blocking apps, but sometimes it gets so bad it’s intolerable. This is how I solved the problem on my PC:

I wanted to take this opportunity to say that I am not going to continue reading Deadspin due to the management’s lack of concern for the user experience. These auto-playing videos with the sound on are too much. I’ve been a reader for nearly 10 years, but I can’t abide by such egregious lack of care for the product.

when you turn on your xbox the first time it asks if you want the feature turned on or off.