Autoplay Stopper chrome browser extension. Need one for phones and tablets though.
Autoplay Stopper chrome browser extension. Need one for phones and tablets though.
Could you PLEASE stop auto-playing videos? PLEASE?!?!
His comments had everything to do about the game situation that just occurred and nothing else
Back in myyyyyyy day, when devs wanted to get more of your money, they had to release more content!
Fun detected -> Fun nerfed.
See i thought borderlands was about causing “mayhem.” And let me experiment and make bonkers builds with specific gear to completely change the way my character plays. Like Diablo. But this just shows me i shouldn’t farm gear. And just wait to see what happens. They’re going the route of Destiny 2, where none of the…
A lot of them had great years in 2018 and were bound to regress. And I don’t think the baseballs had anything to do w/ Sale throwing 80 mph “fastballs” in April and May.
I think if you let people craft whatever guns they want then the random drops (and the whole selling point of the genre) becomes meaningless. If I can make my ideal rifle then why would I ever care about what drops?
As a long-time player, I absolutely hate the grind for most exotic gun and exotic catalyst quests (or anything else tbh), but I do think Bungie has toned down some of the grind in the past year. The Deathbringer quest actually isn’t that bad, and can be done while you complete other weeklies and dailies pretty easily.…
Yeah, no. The ump made the call here because Sanchez’s acting made him think it was a foul ball. This is absolutely how it is supposed to work. Sanchez is an idiot for thinking he’d get any calls the rest of that at bat after that bullshit.
I know exactly how he feels. There was this media company I liked that was bought by sociopathic hedge fund vampires who paid themselves obscene salaries while running the company into the ground.
I’m curious to understand how you think screaming in the face of a 19- or 20-year-old who knows he messed up in front of all his teammates and the entire stadium is going to improve his performance. If he’s not doing well enough to keep his job, fine...bench him. But you don’t have to be a giant asshole an berate him…
Son of a bitch.
You apathy and cynicism is inspiring. You’re so cool and rad.
EXACTLY. I don’t know when the “I don’t need no stinkin’ expert” phenomenon began and I can only hope it’ll reach its zenith soon, but I wish people would even consider the notion that a layperson cannot correctly assess everything. If you are even remotely familiar with diagnostic criteria, let alone discerning it in…
“I’m not a doctor or a psychiatrist but I’ve spoken with Natalia and I believe her. If you’re asking me if I think she is 30, that’s ridiculous.”
That’s because you’re not a jerk unlike the original commenter (and the writer of this story, If you ask me).
I mean, if your vehicle hits something while you’re using that feature, I’m going to hold you accountable.
As someone working in an industry that most consumers kinda loathe, maaaaaybe don’t say that sort of thing online ? Lol. an adjuster I can’t wait to hold some smug Model 3 summoning douche at fault for damage to property.