
The egregious microtransactions and subscription nonsense were a big enough turn-off as they were, but the controls are so bad that I found it essentially unplayable, with my kart completely unable to stay facing the correct direction and off the walls at any given moment...and still came in first in the 3 races I

They are. This article uses the same wording that we’ve told them to change EVERY MONTH.

Im glad they did this. Gives me motivation to skip the game. I've bought two call on duty's this gen, both on sale. I bought every call of duty last gen. There is so much competition it's laughable. 

It’s the exact same fucking bullshit Sony and Activision pulled with Destiny, holding paid-for content hostage from Xbox (and later PC) customers until at least — and Activision was sure to point to that phrase out in the fine print the first time they wielded it — one year after releasing on PlayStation. Fuck, the

Relax man. It’s not Hulk Hogan.

The commentariate here would have lost their damn mind if Deadspin posted this inside a woman’s locker room, showing a nude woman’s team of any kind. Seriously, what the hell? Going to start posting a bunch of nip slips to go with your LeBron dick pics from him adjusting his shorts in a game and crap like this out of

I know you don’t like this but if it was a woman would you have included the link to the actual nudity?  This guy should get the same consideration. 

Thought you get mad for sites posting people’s non consenting nudes.

Jokes and writing in Borderlands were always a mixed bag, generally not funny. But it’s part of the world they created, and it fits their world, so you live with it or you don’t. You could say the same thing about BL1 and BL2 and TPS. Nothings changed except maybe some people were younger back then than they are now.

Do yourself a favor and install UBlock Origin. 

I hope it was his pinning arm. 

hurt, suspended, or in Cleveland

Battleborn pretty conclusively proved that people do not want different.

It’s also worth noting that the last time Gearbox tried to innovate, they ended up with Battleborn—a game that flopped hard because people kept mistaking it for an Overwatch clone. With that in mined, I’m not at all surprised that Gearbox is playing it safe for Borderlands 3.

You are not the only one. All of these click bait articles like the one Kotaku wrote above are just such edgy hot takes and I roll my eyes when they talk about the humor and how we’ve all matured beyond it. I still think bonerfarts is funny. But yes it’s borderlands and it’s a different place with different characters

All I want from this game is more borderlands. Fuck innovation. Not every franchise needs a new gimmick. Give me updated graphics, tighten up the gunplay a bit, improve UI and character movement, and give me new story. They did that. Now they're getting my money.

Am I the only person who find the complaint about a lack of innovation to be completely irrelevant? I mean, how many people who are planning to buy Borderlands 3 want it to be anything other than more Borderlands? I know some people are saying “I was burnt out of Borderlands after the first one, part 2 didn’t tickle

I think that’s the whole idea...really? It’s just borderlands. A lot of games tried to deviate from the core design that made it fun and in the end, it ends up falling flat, just look at what happened to Fallout 4(that’s a personal opinion) but I think this was more for “fans” than anything else. It was not out to

The whole time I am watching this, I just cannot stop thinking about how creepy those two are!