
Sorry that joke was not clear at all.

I’m not gonna lie. I’m really happy I didn’t bother completing it. I don’t think I’m even through all the “Get 10 kills in each game mode” introductory quests.

Welcome aboard Guardian. Best piece of advice I can give you is be patient. You are basically getting into a MMO and there’s a LOT to learn, and no way to learn it all fast. Understand you will know more tomorrow than you did today and even more next week and next month. Try to play nice, and make some friends who can

I’d rather they just allow all weapons/armor to decrypt at max parts leveled or unleveld. It’s not fun having to put on blues every 10-20 motes everytime I try to level a purple just to get parts.

The info they gave us was welcome and really nice. From comments they have made it’s all stuff they’ve been working on for a few weeks now. Unfortunately the patch is about a month away, and they failed to mention a few current issues. Time Gating, Weapon Parts, Lack of Max gear outside of the raid, and imbalanced

Why bother reading when you can just slam people for your preconceived agendas? This is how the internet in 2015 works, didn’t you get the memo?

No. It’s an article promoting a podcast where they discuss various topics. The linked article is there to provide backround information on one of the many topics they discuss. It really isn’t that hard of a concept to grasp. They can create all sorts of content, but if they don’t even bother to promote their own

Or, the companies own forums/twitter/etc accounts. I don’t believe they had any malicious intentions, but it sure was a stupid thing to do. We all do stupid things from time to time.

This is one of those things that make you wonder just what the hell these people were thinking. Innocent or not, it really should be painfully obvious that posting positive reviews on a site like Amazon is not a wise move.

Next time, don’t give any background information just say here’s a thing, watch it. I mean, who do you think you are informing your readers about something you are discussing.

A good developer?

So I did not have the ghost before today, and it would not proceed past the part where you pledge allegiance. (I’m already FWC). I’m guessing there is a 24 hour cooldown? Has anyone picked up the quest today and then gotten to the point where you gain rep?

Adding a link works perfectly. All I can say is I spent the entire review with one question on my mind. Will I enjoy these songs? It seems a mild annoyince to have to go and search out the information. Not that it is all that difficult to do, just nice to have the info at hand.

Maybe it’s just me, but I feel that any review of one of these sort of games should include a complete playlist.

When I first heard of this game, I got really excited. You mean people are going to be able to create awesome Mario levels on par with those that I loved to deeply in my youth? I can basically play a brand new Mario 3? I can’t wait! This may be the thing I’ve been waiting for to get me into the Wii-U!

I really wish I had done this starting in Beta.

I think it’s intended to suppress, but it’s clearly not working as intended.

Now playing

It’s supposed to, but it’s not. I can attest from personal experience and the experience from my group. I also have video evidence from Reddit.

I hit a titan with his sunbreaker active with a rocket launcher. It took TWO rockets in his face to kill him. There is currently two snipers that can kill a Sun Titan with a head shot, one of them is heavy PVE. Titans get a 50% damage reduction when their super is active, on top of a full health and shield regen per

What happens when they release a pack of Mote of Lights for 2 bucks? How about 50 Strange Coins? How about 50 Weapon Parts? Then they nerf the drop rates for those items.