I just wish I could do two things while watching TV. I want a Previous Channel or Back Button in one press so I can switch back and forth between two shots. I also want to be able to work the DVR function of my cable box.
I just wish I could do two things while watching TV. I want a Previous Channel or Back Button in one press so I can switch back and forth between two shots. I also want to be able to work the DVR function of my cable box.
This is amazing and need to be standard across all video streaming platforms. I’m looking at you Hulu, Netflix, Amazon.
This was in amazing effect the other night while I was in the middle of a game and my Girlfriend’s dog figured out he can turn the console on/off with his nose. Apparently he likes the little beep it makes. My girlfriend was laughing hysterically. I was a little less thrilled.
Once again. People can’t read. “The base mode will have matchmaking; the challenge modes won’t.”
Actually what it says is: “The base mode will have matchmaking; the challenge modes won’t.”
“The base mode will have matchmaking; the challenge modes won’t.” Maybe you should bother to read the article before you show everyone just how ignorant you really are.
Most of my regular group has quit.
Cute response. Have friends. We can't always play at the same schedules because we are grown ass adults with jobs and responsibilities and don't always have a lot of free time to group together.
Sure, one thing I have a issue with means I must stop playing. I also don’t particularly care for the Home Run Derby, it doesn’t mean I have to stop watching baseball.
There is, it will just be launching much later.
I know, I use it all the time. I’m saying it would be nice if Bungie added less things that required me to use it. Not more.
The Article was updated after my comment was made. So good job there.
Raids I’m fine with, but now we have to group for the new raid, the new trials, and the new arena. We have more new content that requires me to open a web-browser than content that keeps me in game. And again, this would be solved with some sort of LFG type integration if they don’t want to provide us with…
Oh great, more stuff you can’t do without a pre-existing group! Joy of joys!
Kotor 1 was better only because it was a complete product. 2 was technically more refined but since they basically stopped making the game 95% of the way through, then shipped(I know, I know mods, but that don’t count), it loses the battle between the two.
[Statement] False you Meatbag. This is the best SW game ever made.
I tried it, but had a hard time getting into it. It’s not quite the same as ME3 (Which is just about my favorite Multiplayer experience of all time), but it’s similar in concept. ME3 was a LOT more fun for me. Something about all the powers and combo-ing them. Also, in ME3 you felt more connected to each other.…
Are you really just here today in an attempt to distract us from the Battlefront news? If so, well played.
Have you followed and learned any lessons from the poor PR Bungie has had with Destiny, often promising things then under-delivering and even post release, not warning players of massive changes (ex: making people re-upgrade gear on expansion). They seem to be making a concentrated effort to be more forthcoming during…
I disagree. Convoy is ALWAYS necessary. 😀