He's already in prison for child molestation, so I'm going to guess he's already not having a good time. Swatting is probably the least of his concerns at the moment.
He's already in prison for child molestation, so I'm going to guess he's already not having a good time. Swatting is probably the least of his concerns at the moment.
Yes, they allowed us to buy resources. But at the same time jacked up the glimmer cost, efficiently moving the bottle neck from one resource to another, effectively forcing all their user base to play the worlds lamest game of three-card monte.
Not to mention that they continually RUSH to stamp out cheesing methods (Which, fine I get) but absolutely REFUSE to fix standard game killing bugs. VoG Hard-mode is stupid hard right now because of both existing and newly introduced bugs. Heavy Ammo and sometimes special ammo is lost on death/reload/cut-scene. …
Unlocking characters is half the fun for me. This "bonus" is really sort of counter-productive to me. I do wonder just how long it will take to unlock characters naturally though.
I'd much rather have the DVD and CD. Fuck that yearly roster update.
Do these bags come with a free psychological evaluation? Because they really need to. All hail consumerism! Good enough to die for.
And you fail pretty hard with reading comprehension.
Yes, upgrading is optional. If you want to maintain the status quo. (Don't leave off the back half of my sentence.) Which is to say, if you want to be able to run the current standard or the "recommended settings".
I never said PC's were FORCED or NEEDED to do anything. Your words not mine. Maybe you should actually take a step back, take a deep breath, and actually read what I said, which was that PC's tend to get upgraded quicker than console in order to maintain the status quo. That's actually a major benefit to PC gaming…
I never once said a pc needs to upgrade to match a console. Not once.
And in some people's cases, their motherboard shorts out or their video card fries.
That's a completely different conversation though. The conversation I was specifically was discussing was how PC's need to be upgraded quicker than consoles in order to maintain the status quo. The tradeoff is that PC's get better benefit from it.
Except you are completely missing my point. The entire conversation was centered around both PC's and consoles needing to be updated to maintain the status quo, and I was remarking that consoles tend to last a little longer before needing to be upgraded. PC's upgrade quicker and get immediate benefits. Then 50 PC…
Except, that wasn't what I was doing. But thanks for playing our game!
Because a lot of people like you still completely miss the point I was making.
I stand corrected on this point. :)
I don't fail to recognize that at all. The entire conversation was spawned because we were talking about how the industry is constantly moving forward and people have to upgrade or get left behind. I simply stated that consoles were able to last a bit longer without being forced into upgrade where PC's tend to get…
Exactly, that's the trade off. PC's get upgraded more frequently than consoles, but get the benefit of better graphics and mod support. I never claimed other wise. My original comment was simply that PC's tend to get upgraded faster than consoles. Then a few dozen people chimed in to tell me how wrong I was and…
Again, this was never a PC vs Console comment. I prefer PC in a lot of cases myself. I simply admit that there are benefits and drawbacks to both. For PC's they require regular (Re: every few years or so at least) upgrading to maintain newer requirements. Consoles are usually a buy it and forget it system. …
Funny, I was just yelled at by a few hundred PC elitists just a few weeks ago how it wasn't necessary to upgrade your PC regularly in order not to get left behind. I assume they'll be coming back to yell at me some more all while opening a second tab to order their new video card so that they can play this new game…