
I was going to say the same thing. The best part of the SmartGlass app is the ability to send and receive messages. I use it on my phone all the time. It can also be used to input game codes.

Sorry, have to disagree there. Bad Juju is one of if not the best primary exotic in the game at the moment. Sure it's not the best gun for all situations, but it's absolutely FANTASTIC in the new raid, and in any sort of farming situation it's just nuts.

Reddedit usually does a pretty good breakdown of each gun the day Xur shows up. I'd recommend keeping an eye out there in the future.

If you have the coins to spare, I say pick it up, because there is enough complaints about it I'm sure it'll get buffed, and like Thorn and Bad Juju, it'll be significant. But if you are tight on coins, I can't fault anyone for passing.

I bought it on the chance the gun winds up with a buff in the future. Thankfully I'm swimming in strange coins, so that wasn't a problem for me. I took it out once tried it out, and stuck it right in the vault. Terrible does not even begin to describe how bad this gun is.

/sigh. Still completely missing the point I see. Enjoy your ridiculous console vs pc war.

This was never a debate over cost of ownership, so thanks for COMPLETELY missing the point.

I'm not really sure how this turned into a console vs. pc master race debate, but whatever. The only point I was ever making was that both consoles and PC have a mentality of upgrade or be left behind. But thanks anyone for taking this COMPLETELY off topic.

But how long before you have to turn down settings in order to prevent upgrading video card? My point is that technology as a whole has a "upgrade or get left behind" mentality. Sure you can buy a high end pc for several times the cost of a console and it will run for many years. But you'll have to keep turning

Exactly. If you spend a few times the cost of a console you can have a top of the line PC that slowly depreciates in value. But if you want to stay current as we were discussing, you have to constantly upgrade. That's my point exactly.

And you can do this for the same price as a console? Hell, a good graphics card alone would cost you the same amount as a Xbox One these days. Also, a TON of older games are not very compatible with the newer versions of Windows and require a lot of hefty emulation to accomplish.

Probably because Broadcasts were in the back of the page, and now they are at the front. Previously you had stuff like Achievements, Challenges, and DLC to wade through before you got to Twitch streaming, so likely he never looked that far.

I actually commented to say much the same thing. I don't really want to watch someone play a game I could be playing myself. But it's a great tool to either help decide if I want to purchase a game I'm on the fence about (It worked for AC4 but not for Transformers), or for as you say, WoW or even Destiny. It's

I'm pretty sure what happened is they redesigned the store slightly and moved Twitch streaming to the first page from like the third or forth page, so before you had to really hunt it down. I know it has been there since as far back as Titanfall and AC4.

I'm pretty sure it's been there since launch, or pretty close to it as I remember using it to help decide if Assasin's Creed Black Flag looked any fun or not. I also used it to watch Titanfall, back when it launched. I think it's only become more visible with recent updates as before it was buried onto the third or

For a long time, I just didn't get Twitch. Why anyone would want to watch someone else playing a game instead of just playing the game themselves eluded me. Now, I am incredibly thankful for the service. I've used this on several occasions to get a feel for a game before deciding to buy. The best part?

It's not so much a specific time designation, it's really more based around console sales figures and user base numbers. The more Xbox Ones and PlayStation 4s that sell, the more likely developers are to drop support for the older consoles. Honestly, it only took them as long as it has because reception for the new

In the end it's a numbers game. Wii U does not have the install base or the target demo for much of these developers to bother spending their resources on. X360 and PS3 are so heavily supported, because there's such a large install base and a large amount of customers that have yet to upgrade to the newer consoles.

I know you were just joking, but actually the PC is actually worse at this than consoles. PC owners must continually upgrade and maintain their machines in order to stay current with advancing games. If I build a computer today and refuse to upgrade anything, in just a few years or even months, I'll get left behind.

You mean to say this massive, complex game that was designed for a top of the line, advanced gaming console does not run as well on that other system that is over a decade older?