
So it's OK to steal when it's a large corporation that most people have a distaste for? How about murder? Is that OK as long as it's an executive for Walmart? Theft is theft. Rationalize it however you want, it's immoral and illegal and just plain wrong.

I was going to make the same comment. Really disappointed Kotaku is not only reporting on this, but it actively encouraging people to go out there and commit fraud. It's pathetic and borderline illegal. You guys are better than this.

Then you are very, very lucky. I don't remember the last time I ran it without at least one or 15 attempts ending mostly due to bugs. And when we don't get a bug, someone messes up. It's hard when it takes multiple attempts to do, and you finally get a good clean attempt in, and a bug comes in and wipes you.

The Oracles outside the portal are the issue. People are trying to hold plates, kill vex, and need to be aware when to switch to Oracles. The audible cue is very important there, and without it makes things 10 times more difficult. We had an issue with the relic shield two nights ago where we were all in the center

The Raid. The raid is broken. Portals not porting people, porting too many, or not enough, or sending them to the wrong place. Oracles not making a sound outside so we wipe to that. Mobs completely regaining health. Oracles not being marked as dead. Atheon shooting through the relic shield. The relic shield

Good update. Nice start. One major problem. Raid bugs have yet to be fixed. I don't understand why this was not top priority here.

Yea, and that's where I think it lost me. It felt like I had to micromanage EVERYTHING to even stay alive. I was more suited to Bioware's other games like Kotor, Mass Effect, and Jade Empire where you could micromanage if you wanted, or you could setup and configure your party the way you want, and let the AI do

Oh look! Another elitist jackass. Excuse me for having trouble with one particular game. I guess you are just the coolest kid on the block. Must be a hit at parties.

Thanks for calling me stupid! Got to love the internet sometimes. Sorry if I happened to have a tough time with this one game. I guess you are just super cool and super smart.

Fantastic article. Thanks a bunch. I was never able to make it through the first one, it seemed immensely complicated and combat was just a little too deep for me. I tried a few times, but always ended up stuck at about the same part where I just started getting wrecked and eventually just gave up. (I'm a well

Huh? I think you may wan to revisit this sentence a little. I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say here.

The only exception I can think of was Destiny and considering it's essentially a MMO, them asking people to wait a few days until release to give a proper review was very fair IMO. Of course in their case it wasn't so much of an embargo as a simple request.

Hey Ubisoft, How about you not release a fucking broken game in the first place? Oh yea. Because money. Fuck the customers.

Sell now. Fix later. The new motto of the industry.

With over 250 hours in this game, you already have given me more story than the game has. I know there are 4 basic factions, but I have no clue what each wants or why I'm killing stuff for them other than they offer me gear the others don't. I also don't know the difference between the Fallen (ours or theirs), the

Because illuminati.

Wow. Just wow. Thank you for so eloquently and efficiently describing my thoughts on this series EXACTLY. Very well done sir. I want to like these games. I really do. But I don't understand what the hell I'm doing or why I'm doing it. And the game feels more like busy work than actual game time. Some aspects of

An embargo in general, and holding review sites hostage is what I meant by not right. Forcing sites to adhere to policies such as "Don't mention this, or don't trash that" as publishers have tried to do in the past isn't right. Effectively forcing a review site to write what you want, when you want, in order to try

Additionally they run the risk of other publishers following suit. Well if Kotaku won't follow the embargo with Ubisoft, then maybe Activision (for example) will feel they can't trust them either, effectively black listing Kotaku completely. It's not right, but publishers can hold these sorts of threats against the

I just want more of that fantastic multiplayer from ME3. I'm hoping Evolve and the new Rainbox Six help fill that void.