
Thank you for holding off on your full review of CoD. Although I personally have little interest in that game, the fact that so many are dropping reviews the day after release when so much of that game is centered around a Multiplayer experience that can't be fully vetted for weeks is absolutely ridiculous.

Sony gives Microsoft timed exclusive of Evolve Alpha! You heard it here first!

Should have given him proper credit from the start. Glad he's getting "official" recognition, but it comes off feeling like when you are forced to say you are sorry and hug your brother after you punched him on the arm for getting on your side of the backseat.

I really wish I didn't miss out on extension mode. It sounds just like the sort of game I love playing the most. Collaborative games with a lot of upgrades and required teamwork. It's what I loved so much about the very deep multiplayer experience in Mass Effect 3. It's what I'm hoping for in Evolve and the new

I usually follow the same system. Sadly this time I allowed myself to get wrapped up in the hype, plus I enjoyed the beta so much I went all in. I made the same mistake with Battlefield 4. Won't be making that mistake again.

This wouldn't be so frustrating if the encounter wasn't littered with bugs already. So they spend all this time and effort putting in baby bumpers and fixing portal "bugs" yet they ignore an entire laundry list of game breaking bugs. Let's port 4 people! Wipe. How about sending people to two different portals?

True, a lot of people will still buy it. Sadly a lot of people have already bought it, not realizing they were going to cut content. We knew about the first strike getting cut from the Xbox version, but not any content from the first DLC, or just how small the DLC really was. Of course it's buyer beware, and but

I make a lot of typos in a given day, but that one by far is my favorite.

People are pretty pissed about this. Both Rededit and Bungie's forums are littered with upset costumers. This is exactly the road people feared when exclusivity and micro transactions first started becoming the norm. I really don't understand how they can honestly justify with a strait face offering less content

I was being generous considering it supposedly includes a new raid, so I figure at least a month to complete that on hard mode.

Yea, that was my initial response as well. This new content will be burned through inside of a month.

You have early access to Halo: The Master Chief Collection. I feel no sorrow for your Kinect woes.

It would be nice to mention this is a steam offering in the article.

I bet your fun at parties...

Except this download is only for multiplayer content which you wouldn't be able to play when the services are shut down anyways. But good reading comprehension skills!

Why read when you can RAAAAAAAGE!!!!

I don't mind We've woken the Hive!". I'm really sick of "Think they'd mind if we borrow one of their pikes?"

Don't' have a stereotype other than a obviously angry, foul mouthed person who clearly has other ideas of what this game should be.

Clearly this isn't the game for you. Maybe should go back to Call of Duty or Battlefield then.

A game that has been out for a month and is on consoles doesn't have as much content as a PC biased, subscription MMO that has been out for over a decade?