
No, that's basic MMO philosophy. Again if you don't like the design, this probably isn't the game for you. Maybe you should be playing the new Borderlands. This game is designed with MMO qualities and tends to lead to a lot of grinding to advance. And comparatively speaking, this is NOTHING compared to WoW, LoL,

They are doing that. But when just one gun breaks the experience for 99% of people, maybe there is something wrong with that one gun.

Is "broken as fuck" code for "I don't understand it so it must be broken"? It's really not that hard to get purple gear. Purple gear is easily acquired via random drops, and from rep vendors. You purchase gear with marks acquired from daily quests and running pvp/pve content. Once acquired, level purple gear by

But that's kind of the point. Shotgun range is the expected range for Autorifles. Scout for long range, Pulse for Mid range, Auto for short range.

Read the patch notes:

The maps don't help. But Auto-Rifles crushing headshots with pin point accuracy was a major issue. Auto-Rifles are supposed to crude and attack the body while scout rifles are supposed to be finesse head shot weapons.

The evidence is all over these comment sections

The auto-rifle precision damage nerf is the one that will hurt, because as you pointed out, it's too easy to snap a headshot and get instant kills. Auto-Rifles are not meant to be a precision weapon, rather a "spray a lot of bullets into the guy's chest" weapon.

Except that's not how GameStop works, so you are clearly lying. Bought games go to the central depot to get cleaned up and redistributed. They don't stay in the store that takes them in.

This is the fourth or fifth time he's entered a Destiny thread to tell us how little he cares. I got scolded last time for calling him out on it.

Bad Juju, Thorn, Invective, Universal Remote, Last Word suck.

Red Death, Mida Multi-Tool, Suros, Ice Breaker, Truth, and Formerly Vex Mythoclast and Pocket Infinity are all amazing.

There are others that still have mixed reviews. Balancing and tuning are still pending. This is the way of a MMO. Testing cannot

Yea stupid Bungie! How DARE you nerf a exploit and make me not cheat! Jerks!

Also, they aren't nerfing shotgun range completely, just the range at which damage begins to fall off. Honestly, you probably won't even notice a difference.

Holy cow, take a pill. Some (not all) shotguns had too long of a range and did too much damage from too far away. Put away your personal blinders, it's true. Also, some exotics were op for not only pvp but pve. They addressed that. Third there are still more tuning that is being done to make other exotics more

Agreed, I do hope however they implement a flag or bullitin board type system in game so we can find each other without third party sites. Also better clan integration.

I don't want matchmaking for raids or even the weeklies. I do want a bulletin board of sorts where I can basically mark my character ready and confirm I have a mic. That way a raid leader can find me easier. Matchmaking would just encourage the "Let's kick this guy at the end so we can invite our level 20 friend

Can I get these with a marijuana skin to match my CoD loadout?

It's the stability bump that will really make the difference

I fully concur. It'll be nice to put away my crappy Singin-E in favor of any of my other non autorifles. I have 4 exotics, and 3 legendaries, none of them being autorifles, so I've basically been getting my behind handed to me in PVP, Iron Banner has been no help. I'll be really happy for this meta to be a little

They claim loading speeds of achievement and party apps are massively improved in the next update.