Why are they asking for less than half the money this time around?
Why are they asking for less than half the money this time around?
It's like when they say you are more likely to get injured in or around your home, completely ignoring that most of us spend the vast majority of our time in or around our homes.
This is another in a very recent trend in Gawker related site click-bait headlines. It's getting out of control. Headlines are not properly and accurately describing the expected contents of said article. This seems to occur at least 10-20 times a day now. To go from execution to 3 years in jail to mandatory…
For those that always wanted more headbutting with their fatty foods...
You know that's a good point. I'm not sure. I would imagine it will work like every other game, but that's entirely possible. Still the feature to remotely purchase and install really has me excited. When I think of next gen, that's the feature at the top of my list.
Remote purchase and download and install. THAT is the one feature I have been looking for since day one. When Destiny launches, I can order while at work, and have the game installed ready for launch when I get home. I cannot wait!
I'll say the same thing when the shoe was on the other foot and Playstation was getting the Destiny exclusives, and the Hardline betas, and everything else. This is crap. I'm an Xbox owner and I love my console, but exclusives are good for the companies and TERRIBLE for consumers, and we as consumers need to step up…
I'm really liking the streaming to tablet feature. So now my girlfriend can watch her shows while I get on some Destiny action. Everyone's happy!
This movie isn't worth wasting the internet bandwidth to illegally download it.
Sometimes if I binge watch a full season of the Sopranos I forget I'm not Italian. Or a tough guy.
Hahaha! We should be friends. I love the confused look they get. "But you eat crabs." As if crabs isn't seafood. "No, I don't eat seafood." "Oh, but you do eat shrimp. That doesn't count right?"
This sounds great. I know it's on the PS4 and PC, but I don't really play this sort of game on my laptop and picked up a Xbox 1 over Sony's offering. Is there any word of them porting it to Xbox? I'd be all over it.
Really? The videos I've seen of Warframe seem nothing like ME3 multiplayer. Cooperative, Horde Mode, defend the base, a combination of weapons and abilities, ammo reloads, multiple waves, multiple enemy classes and types, dozens of weapons and modifications, consumables, the ability to revive each other and really…
"Gamble also hinted that cooperative multiplayer is a bigger focus for the developer than competitive multiplayer"
So hopefully that means more of the same.
I loved it aswell. I loved everything about it. I want more. I easily spent 95% of my total time with the game in Multiplayer. Always something to unlock, some new spec to try out. Not to mention the LOADS of free content they added, new maps, new characters, new weapons. From what I've read, they are aware how…
I'm the say way. Don't eat seafood ("But you live in Maryland, you MUST eat seafood") I'm really close to this place myself and have never heard of it before, but now I'm going to give it a shot.
Silly me I was trying a single tap. I'll give that a shot on the 9th. Thanks!