No touchpad on the Xbox version. ;) It's the back (Menu) button.
No touchpad on the Xbox version. ;) It's the back (Menu) button.
I didn't mind pressing select, I just hate that pressing select slowed my character and the game to a crawl when all I wanted was that objective beacon. There should be a slight difference between tapping the button to get the objective and holding the button to stick your arm out and give you the vehicle option.
Fully agree on the item drop issue. It seems very counterproductive to have a ranged character who is sniping from the corner, then to have to run over the dead body to get anything they drop. Item drops need to be larger with a pulsing glow that stands out over everything. Drop radius for items and ammo in general…
Man, that game is for babies. Red light, Green light is where the big kids are at.
My Warlock deck took her out. It's full of low level minions that I could spam and kept her Hero Power from doing any damage since I never had any cards in my hand.
She's CRUSHING me on normal. I haven't played in a while and my deck is a little weak, but wow, she's tough.
This may be the best thing I have ever seen in my life
That's overstating it quite a bit. The AI is bad, but if you just stand there they will kill you.
I'm currently working on level 9 regenerate. Only need 20 more MVP to hit max level. So yea, I'd say I've played it plenty. The AI has killed me a few times, usually when someone else got me about 90% of the way down and some Spectre hit me with a kick from behind.
Um, this game never touted realistic AI. That was something Microsoft offered as a possibility for games in general. This game intentionally has fairly poor AI as AI are meant to feed your score and lower your cooldowns while risking giving away your position to the opposition.
I'd like to add that it's really cool they are actually listening to feedback at the Xbox Feedback website. They may not be a great company, but at least they seem to be trying to listen to their consumers.
It has a low battery indicator, but you have to be at the dash to see it. Now it'll have a popup warning you.
Finally! This has been my most desired feature. I often buy games through and to have it automatically download and install waiting for me to get home from work the first truly next gen feature I've been waiting for. Adding the smartglass functionality is just icing. They also have added a low battery…
Best Large Building? This should have won the award for "Holy SHIT THAT'S AMAZING!"
Is smiling against the rules? Jeez, no one looks very happy here.
Was there an expansion called type-o? It's obvious I meant Pandaria. But thanks for being "that guy".
Because most DRM ends up doing more harm than good as it usually only breaks for paying customers and Pirates just immediately circumvent anyways.
I used to run a pretty massive fansite, hosting hundreds of pictures grabbed from the swf files and other stuff many, many years ago. I'd very much welcome a return, but I do have to wonder if they could possibly recapture the old magic.