Obligatory Bo Jackson Video.
Obligatory Bo Jackson Video.
Thank you very much! Been waiting for Cards against Humanity to arrive again. Picked up the standard plus the first two expansion packs.
I greatly enjoy BOTH sports AND video games. There is room for both people. I also enjoy cooking, working out, television, movies, music, travel, exploring, and many other wonderful activities. I don't understand why people have to have so much hate.
If you ignore the hype and just take it for what it is, it's a lot of fun. It's not going to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. It's not going to reinvent first person shooters, or even mech games. But it's a fun game to sit back, have fun, and not take too seriously. It really brought me back to the days…
I detailed my impressions right here if you care to read:
Nothing like COD or Battlefield with the exception of when you kill something you get points and have different loadouts. Gameplay is more like Halo3 with a little bit of LoL grinding thrown in. I actually had quite a blast in the alpha.
It will be nice to compare the alpha to the beta. It'll also be nice to see if they open it up a little more. The alpha was a ton of fun, but very limited. There were very few connection issues, but the graphics were very obviously toned down. Hopefully it's open to everyone, not just those that preorder.
It's 2014. Think we can stop with the auto-run videos already? Wait for me to click play or GTFO.
Personally I hated the online multiplayer. I hated the Call of Duty mid battle upgrades, I hated the custom loadouts, and I hated the different types of power armor. It felt like it was really trying hard to be Call of Duty, and it's just not. I know CoD is popular and all, but Halo is a different game. It's more…
Holy crap this video is amazing! So many Batman references sprinkled in. The mobile lab scene was fantastic! I can't look away.
This was my first foray into card games. I was always interested in Magic and similar games, but never tried them out. It was a lot of fun for a few weeks, but got stale after a while. I think I spent $20 in the store and I don't regret it as that's about what the game was worth for me. Progression starts off…
Forget Xbox, I'd rather he fix the Windows 8, Office 2013, and Microsoft will bone you in the ass corporate volume licensing schemes. Just once I'd like to be able to install software I paid for without have to register a fucking Live account. Then not having to spend the next 3 hours uninstalling and reinstalling…
They claimed to have fixed it on the Xbox One, but the issue still persists. Though not nearly as common. Honestly though, the single player campaign is so short you don't really need to save. I think I beat it on easy in about 4 hours. (You have to beat single player to unlock some weapons in Multiplayer,…
This argument is really tiresome, instead of acting so damn pretentious, you should should be thanking us early adopters. We are suffering through bugs and glitches, and working with developers to get them fixed, so that when you do buy in 6, 8, 12 months, the products has improved tremendously. So, you are welcome…
Are you playing single player or multiplayer? Multiplayer the data is saved on Dice's servers. This error is directly related to local data saves.
I was just thinking the same thing. Guy is terrible. I'm sorry, he may be a great person, but he really shouldn't be doing voice over work. He sounds like he is struggling with braces and his tongue is shoved up against the front of his teeth while sucking on a golf ball.
Stupid comment system is stupid and making it hard to reply. Been broken all day.
Is there anyone Madden doesn't rate at a 90 or better? That was always one of my pet peeves. They rank too many players too high.