I agree. There's a work around, at least for consoles, it's just really stupid. On the Xbox One, if you party up first, then have one member join a game, it will send the other members a party request. You can then move each member to a squad.
I agree. There's a work around, at least for consoles, it's just really stupid. On the Xbox One, if you party up first, then have one member join a game, it will send the other members a party request. You can then move each member to a squad.
Looking over the patch notes for PC and Ps4, I'm quite disappointed. Fixes NONE of the major issues plaguing the game. Slight balance to aircraft which really needs a major overhaul. No balance to weapons. No fix for rubber-banding and lag. NO fix for TERRIBLE hit detection. No fix for 50+ server queues. No…
When the game works right, it's amazing. There is still some balancing that needs to be done, but overall the game is a lot of fun. Aircraft is just terrible to use and is often near useless. Anti-Aircraft is a little too powerful. Helicopters are near useless as you die 15 seconds after getting into one. DMR's…
They've said several times, no squad support pre-game. Annoying, but that's the way it's going to be.
As far as I can tell, there are zero servers running Conquest mode. Just Large Conquest. And I know I've played normal Conquest mode, it was the most fun I've had playing the game. I didn't feel like there was always 15 guys surrounding me at all times. With all the problems BF4 has, I'm still having a blast. …
Best I ever did was head-shot a guy with a DMR (Hardcore Mode) in a chopper who had just turned to go after me. Of course the chopper immediately crashed and blew up in my face.
I've had the same problems. Yesterday I was killed by a guy who had his back turned to me, laying on the ground, facing a corner, and I didn't hear any bullet sounds until AFTER I was dead. Love the game, but man do they still have a long way to go.
Oh, and if you die, you magically come back to life too! How unrealistic is that!
They also weren't happy with all of the item dups and hacks and key generators from Diablo II.
This is only possible, because at this point, no one is interested in pirating this game.
Microsoft has been cramming "always online" fully integrated devices down out throats since Windows 98, maybe even earlier. In this day and age of always connected devices, (computers, consoles, phones, tablets, even friggen refrigerators), I don't really understand how Nintendo can be this completely inept in this…
I know this is a super late reply, but I came back here because of a similar issue. Certain download/convert settings don't work well, including for me (standard download). Some had terrible video, some had no audio, some were just nothing. I found best results using the mpeg-2 Dvd (NTSC) option.
Personally I believe this actually is Bethesda trolling the internet like a 7 year old who spills a drink on the floor then blames their younger sibling. "I didn't do it."
That's because there is no way to up higher than the tip top.
By far my favorite episode. Followed by Minority Hire and the one in Monte Carlo.
I'm partial to the Larry, Mo, Curly defense myself.
They usually don't add new seasons to Netflix until the week before or the week after the new season begins. It's the network trying to maximize DVD sales.
Survey says!