I'm still waiting for my damn jetpack.
I'm still waiting for my damn jetpack.
How much of that was damage caused by the actual Ghostbusters and how much of that was damage caused by you know...ghosts? You can't hold the Ghostbusters liable for damage they did not cause. That's what insurance is for. Read the fine print, I'm sure there's a clause for being afraid of no ghosts.
I haven't played it, but it looks like terrible compression. When you use the Xbox Record feature, then upload to Skydrive, then transfer to YouTube, you get some really crappy compression and all games look pretty terrible.
I don't know why so many people are jumping to shooters. I mean yea there's men with guns, but it could also be survival or horror or who knows what else. There's very little to suggest this is a first person game. Actually there's little to suggest anything about the game other than it looks pretty. I'm more…
Can't say I'm too filled with sorrow over this news. The game was never very good in the first place. I gave up on sports games back when they killed the one good football game and the one good baseball game with the ridiculous licenses. I don't miss them at all. Maybe when they decide to actually innovate and not…
You can see why Microsoft was trying to bring this system to consoles this generation. Unfortunately they were trying to do so in a way that ended up being a gigantic pain in the ass for consumers. It's a shame really, because I would really like the ability to pickup console games digitally for $5-$20, even if the…
To all those saying go after the kid. Don't bother. Remember Johnny Law takes his time, and it's a slow process. But it won't be long before this douchebag is behind bars learning what it really means to get tea-bagged.
This guy's just pissed because he got tea-bagged by some other 12 year old while playing some video game. And yes, we all know who he is, but remember the long arm of the law moves slowly. He will get his, it's only a matter of time. And his will be the third leg of some guy named Bubba in the federal pen.
But they act under the guise of political activism so they get to feel super special about themselves. If they really did anything important, they would have all been arrested long ago. They claimed to have shut down several government websites, but even the US Federal government couldn't be bothered enough to go…
He gets off on being a douchebag and feeling important by messing with others's day. He's a pathetic, small dicked, moron who has no friends and no real live of his own, so he has to invent ways to make himself feel important. Don't worry, it won't be much longer until some guy named bubba will be filling his day…
I call shenanigans. Battlefield servers have been crap for several months. I'm sorry some loser called Derp (are we really believing this tosser?) want's his moment in the pathetic sun, but seriously, let's stop giving this loser credit for what at this point is normal daily activity.
The problem is the companies policies as a whole lately, especially when it comes to listening and dealing with their customers. The entire attitude around Microsoft lately, top to bottom has been a giant "Fuck you, we're going to do what we want". Xbox, Windows 8, Smart Glass, Volume Licensing, Office 2013, the…
They should have said something like "We are working very hard to bring MLB to the Xbox one, however our hands are currently tied due to the nature of MLB's licensing agreements, and we recommend you make your feelings known directly with MLB (Or publisher) with MLB at [insert address here].
I've had the complete opposite experience. They ignored my issue, told me they were sorry, but refused to do anything to help me. They also completely changed the subject when I complained about their handling of my case.
Microsoft support is the WORST. I purchased a Xbox One Day One Edition, and my power brick and console died on day 1. November 22nd. It took them THIRTY NINE (39) days to send me a replacement power brick, and that was only AFTER I paid to mail them my old brick first. They will put a hold on your credit card and…
This is the kind of shit people said was going to happen 5-10 years ago when DLC and micro-transactions were first introduced. And the industry swore and swore that it would never happen and consumers wouldn't let it. Well, here we are. You get to pay $50-60 to bring home a copy of the game, then they ask you for…
What are you on about? Did you even read the article? Oh, just a PC master race fanboy.
Out of curiosity, does anyone know how this program (And Sony's) work on the back-end? Does the publisher/developer incur the give away, or does Microsoft/Sony pay out for each copy downloaded? Or do they simply negotiate a one time lump sum payment to the publisher? It would go a long way to help shining a light…
I hope sooner than next holiday season. I understand the current Xbox One lineup is pretty sparse, but it really feels like a kick in the jewels when Microsoft is offering me free games for a console I've boxed up and placed in the closet and my brand new shiny console goes without. It'd be nice if there were at…
I don't really know how else to explain this. I've spelled it out very clearly several times now. I understand fan-boys tend to see only what they want to see, but this is getting pretty ridiculous. Go troll somewhere else. I'm not interested. I've made my point and as my right, is my opinion and I'm sticking to…