
I’d find it difficult to reconcile with my spouse if they were photographed repeatedly fucking around with someone else, too. It’s totally normal to feel sad post-breakup, that doesn’t mean you need to get back together. 

Here, have a bear

This isn’t catastrophic or anything, but I vacationed solo in Arizona this spring, hoping that a week hiking and doing yoga in Sedona would relieve the stress of my hellish job. WELL, I got there and it was cold (like high of 45 cold) and rainy, and stayed that way for the first three days. Turns out I arrived in the

Same. It was really the last year where it seemed like the cast members were real people, out to have this experience, rather than to get famous. Every year after that was purely people there to get famous, none of them seemed like real people.  I actually think the next season, Hawaii, was the last one I watched and

You have done the Lord’s Work, Tracy. Seattle was probably one of my last seasons of truly being in love with the Real World.

Sometimes my high school bestie and I still shout, “I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW!” at each other because of the David-Kira car scene.

According to this article he is Rory Gilmore.

I’m at the NBC studio store in New York. It’s maybe 1999? My favorite cousin was a HUGE Friends fan. I barely know Friends myself (I didn’t even own a TV at the time, because of being poor). So I went there to buy her some merch. I chose this giant Friends Central Perk latte mug. Seemed like a fun gift!

I’m leaving the

The writer of “Don’t Breathe” made me watch deleted scenes from the movie.

On the train, I started to smell something foul. I glanced towards the back where there was a young woman changing a poopy diaper. Not the greatest situation, but I shrugged it off.

When I was 11 I swallowed the pop top to a soda can. I had to know what letter my future boyfriend’s name started with, so I twisted the pop top off and then tossed it into the soda can. As I was taking the last swig, I accidentally swallowed it. I really did not want to tell my parents what an idiot I was, so I went

You know those mini books that are at the Barnes and Noble registers that fit in the palm of your hand? After my husband’s grandpa passed, he inherited his 1998 Chevy Lumina with the darkest tint known to man, and his grandpa had one of those tiny books in his car which was a collection of quotations about marriage.


This isn’t really so horrifying but it is memorable.

one year, my brother gave everyone framed photos of himself & his new wife with the pope!

Right after I gave birth to my son, my mom took a picture that included my naked, right titty, and texted it to our entire family. Does that count?

I was late last year and submitted after the cut off. Here we go!

My wife and I went to Europe for three weeks for our honeymoon when we first got married several years ago. We stayed in a number of old cottages and B&Bs without incident until our last place, a villa in southern France near the Mediterranean that we’d rented for a week. It was a quiet little town a short distance

About a year ago, I was dealing with the very tragic loss of my parents and distracting myself with Netflix and Tinder. Matched with a guy who had a shirtless mirror selfie - usually a hard pass for me, but he seemed sweet so I talked to him. I had hurt my back and was home in bed for 4-5 days and he said he was home
