
I had all her tapes. My Jane Fonda workout tape days were the fittest I've ever been. I also had a brief flirtation with New York City Ballet tapes when they first came out, but now it's too hard to fight the kids for TV domination.

"led by that spunky actress everyone wanted to be, and befriend."

Exactly. Like I said, if 2 people make like 20-25k a year, living together is a huge help to their finances. If one person makes 100k? Fuck no, why share the space with an annoying person?

In my family giving booze is a sign of understanding and love.

No, I'm pretty sure you just get one.

Iggy Pop looks so youthful for 67!

Not just actors/celebrities we love and admire, but ANYBODY we love and admire.

Ain't that just the way it always goes. Taking credit when you can't show receipts.

Your name is flawless.

Spoiler alert: She's not pregnant.

Ruby's mother declined to comment for this story, telling Jezebel in a brief phone call that she found our contacting her and reporting on her daughter's situation to be "highly offensive."

"One dubious courtier mocked her outright, saying that the Queen's pregnancy would 'end in wind rather than anything else."

I hate people who bring their babies with them on planes.

I like how the crux of the article is how she forbade rape, but then you read it and it's not even true?

Oh I missed that. Best wedding I went to had a 7 minute ceremony. Because they are booooooooring.

Personally, I'm hoping they pee on the bride. I suspect some of the poor bridesmaids are side-eyeing this as hard as we are...

Divorce in less than three years — my prediction, based on violation of decent language such as the unironic use of "man of my dreams," "storybook wedding," and "my dream wedding."

This is just asking for someone to get shit on.

i'm v. confused. why are they carrying corgis instead of flowers?? also, instead of throwing the bouquet away to the bridesmaids, will she hurl a Corgi?? i need answers plsss

We're all hoping the corgis pee on the bridesmaids, right? I mean, that would make this all ok.