
"...actually a straightforward take on Hans Christian Anderson's Snow Queen... ."

It wasn't a CVS, but decades ago when I was 18, a technician came out with my bills and said "HERE'S YOUR BIRTH CONTROL!!!!" so that everyone on that side of the store heard it. I was rather meek when I was young and didn't say anything, but if I got five wishes from a genie, one would be to go back in time and raise

Every time I've tried to use a CVS pharmacy, it's been a clusterfuck. Even just trying to get some Sudafed, someone manages to fuck up. That place is run by total clowns.

Some people need to turn off the damn computer and read a book/go for a walk.

I don't breakfast at home because I just have no appetite until 10 or so. And no matter how often people tell me eating immediately out of the bed is the only way to stave off the fat, I find it counterintuitive to force myself to eat when I don't want to.

Can you imagine being the mother of one of these shitstains? I'd have to temporarily suspend my "no beating the kids" policy.

I had a friend drop his phone in the toilet doing that and now I'm scared to bring the phone into the bathroom with me.

Haha, and I thought my cat jumping into the pants/panties on the floor around my ankles was bad.

In my family, we call it potty pets when the cat/dog realizes you're captive and uses the opportunity to get pets.

There was one on Gothamist a while back where a bar owner posted what race/ethnicity bartenders she wanted to hire to make her staff represent the neighborhood.

How has this been up two days? I thought Craigslist was good at responding to discriminatory job/housing ads?

All the dumbfuck had to say to make this legal was "must be able to lift 50 lbs."

The one time I got on a plane truly wasted, I "fell asleep" almost immediately after boarding. I vaguely remember the looks I was getting pre-"sleep" and this was the best case scenario for everyone.

The parents valiantly tried, but it's a little kid, ... .

I probably wouldn't even really notice if someone just had their shoes off. Put them up on the furniture though, and we have a problem.

I get aggressive when the person behinds me bumps my seat too often. I'd be likely to cagefight this POS.

I don't travel in your bathroom so please don't groom in my transportation.

My father said stuff that came really close to "I regret having kids." E.g., "if I had it to do over...", "if things had been different back then... ." It hurt to hear it even though I knew already how he felt.

Love love love this face.

I'm down with hot sex, magical themes and intricate storylines but I quit GOT early in season 2 because I just couldn't with the violence. My decision was reinforced when I read about The Red Wedding.