OK, I finally just googled it. Should have done that years ago.
OK, I finally just googled it. Should have done that years ago.
I wish someone would teach me. I don't know what it means but don't want to offend anyone by asking.
I would start insisting on general knowledge exams for all candidates for public office, except then there would be no one running much of anything.
I've never seen anything he's done and have no intention to start. But I was just telling my mother the other day that I wonder about anyone who feels compelled to put his name in the title of every movie he makes.
I've literally had nightmares about losing my shit and screaming and swearing at students not because they're difficult but because it would mean getting fired. (My students are actually pretty cool most of the time.) I don't know what could even be going through an instructor's head to physically assault one. Based…
Hopefully, the answer is just "hey, you have beautiful hair."
As a white person, I make a point to have no opinion on what black people* should or should not do with their hair. I just acknowledge that it's matter frought with historical and cultural significance and shut my damn mouth.
I don't comment much on this site anymore and mistakenly said to you what I meant to say to someone else. My bad. Sorry about that.
Personally, I think most (stress most) people know what's expected of them. They just choose not to do it because it's easier and more fun to act like the only person in the world.
I have to regularly dodge people who are reading their phones and not paying attention. As I said in an earlier comment, we all need to work together to not run into each other. It's not just my responsibility to not run into you. (Figurative you, not you personally.) It's part of being a society and not a hermit.
That was supposed to be a reply to Katrina Calavera, not you. Sorry.
We're all on the sidewalk together. It's both of our jobs to not walk into each other, not just my job to not walk into you.
I'm sure that's what everyone who does it says. Until they walk into an open manhole. :)
The past two days all I've wanted to tell people on Facebook and shit is "No one is saying you're not allowed to exercise your religion and disapprove of gay marriage. We're saying your religion shouldn't get to make law."
I once asked myself "Why do Christians have such a persecution complex?" Then I realized I'd just answered my own question.
GTFO with your reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. Your kind's not welcome on the internet.
Steele, Schmeele. Where's my Anastasia Krupnik movie franchise?
I recall reading somewhere that she's Chilean by birth. She looks very indigenous in this photo.
I only ever read it on the internet, but if anyone ever says to my face that women over 30 who are single are just too picky, I'm punching them in the fucking neck. My standards are low as fuck: be decent, want me, and be not so gross that I can't tolerate fucking you. That these standards are too high speaks volumes…
I'm just constantly bothered by this blog's insistence on bringing attention to dumb stuff that wouldn't get attention otherwise. Nobody would have cared about this silly boy and his silly opinions if he'd just been ignored, as he should have been. Now he's getting attention that probably, in his mind, just proves…