
Corsica has its own language, more similar to Italian than French. "ghj" is a defined "letter" in the Corsican language.

Maryland isn't the only state subjected to Mr. Perry's "Come to Texas Where We Won't Tax You" craptastic ads? I am dismayed, Mr. Perry, to know you've gone courtin' other folk. I thought you cared for the people of Maryland.

Can we please go even one day without seeing Miley's tongue on the main page?

I live in a majority black area and hear n***a multiple times daily, mostly from teens. I haven't heard n****r from a white person since leaving the midwest. Even there, I heard it only from that one uncle and cousin who regularly threw around racial slurs despite me emphatically stating to not do so in my presence.

And the missing third element - fat. I know "food" companies spend millions on R&D to build that magical blend of salt, sugar, and fat, add artificial color, give it a catchy texture, and BAM, we are hooked. Who can resist? Hey, I love me some Cheetos as much as the next person, but at some point we need to eat some

I find this very interesting. Based totally on observations, it seems many people are open to "tasting" nearly anything if it comes prepackaged and is marketed. Homemade items are looked at with mistrust if not outright scorn as are unfamiliar fruits or vegetables. When was the tipping point, the turning of the tide,

Aw, another who is old enough to remember Solid Gold! Crap, I watched Bandstand and Soul Train on Saturdays on our 3 channel TV.

I couldn't name a specific song from when I was 8 without having to look it up. I will say whatever my favorite was, it was listened to on a transistor radio tuned to an AM station, or played on my parents' 8-track player.

Start a PAC and make it happen!

Just eat a pain au chocolat. Your mouth will thank you.

We move into the habitat of the deer, kill off all of their natural predators and are surprised when the population explodes? Deer are going to eat what they can find in an ever shrinking habitat. As more people move in, there are more accidents with vehicles.

That happens to me, too. Makes me all, "Oh crap, now I HAVE to post something."

At least it appears to be a Kinja thing, and not just affecting individuals. Hopefully they will resolve it soon.

This is what I've gotten all day. No access.

I go with the behind the ear tuck on days when I wear it natural - a level of laziness > braiding.

"I have long, wavy hair to begin with, but it's straighter in some places than others."

Did anyone else see the President with bangs and think of this?

No, I am the least "sporty" person on the planet. I have no athletic talent or inclination. But I love dance, Latin ballroom, and I love doing workouts with a trainer. Workouts that include a lot of intervals moving from exercise to exercise with different equipment - kettle bells, ropes, boxes, bosus and balance

I love...