Wow dude seriously get some fucking help you sound like a serial killer
Wow dude seriously get some fucking help you sound like a serial killer
And here is the obligatory ignorant American... seriously Apples to Oranges are you high? Outside of Quebec our popular culture is 1:1 identical (people pretend to care about CanCon but we really don’t) and that is exactly what Trump is talking about. Popular culture.
I say white tie every time
I have probably thought more about this than I should have over the years since I read the books. Closest thing I could think of was the Star wars force unleashed games. I could def. similar system used for push and pull (maybe a lock on button with one button activating pull and another push?). And a hold down button…
The Shape of Water is del Toro - who as far as I’m aware is a sweetie - not Tarantino.
Why are the bombs such a sticking point for a lot of critics? Lightsabers are impossible. Dogfights in space are impossible. So much in these films is impossible from a scientific standpoint. Why is it the bombs has people up in arms??’s all you buddy. Those policies you implemented in 2009-11 seem to really have helped a lot.
“Kotaku harboring the worst video game culture” OOOOOOF, no way. While I’ll agree gamers don’t have the best reputation going for online civility, Gamergate was partially created to complain about Kotaku’s coverage.
Game 2 was one of the best games I’ve seen, easily the best game since last TI. Incredibly tight game play and really interesting drafts on both sides.
I’m not the biggest fan of DACA, as it was just a compromise that came from the DREAM Act’s failure to pass, but your aggressive language doesn’t hide the misleading nature of your statements. Applying the blanket “criminal” label to dreamers is an extremely weak argument, considering the entire point of DACA is to…
1) Illegal Immigration is a civil crime, not a federal one. You aren’t a criminal because you got a speeding ticket.
Being able to feel like you’re a part of something while you’re sitting alone in your room.
There is no subtext.
In case anyone’s wondering about the technical details of this that we can piece together from Intel’s grudging admissions... This is very non-technical, forgive me if I skip over some details that make you froth. And of course I only know what’s leaked, so hard specifics are in short supply, but I think this is…
Wait, you’re mad about reserved seating? The whole point of reserved seating is you DON’T have get to the theater super early to get a good seat. You want to go back to that?
Spend them all outside of any event, like at the end of our current winter event. The less normal stuff it can give you, the more likely you’ll get seasonal stuff while you play.
You know, there is a very responsible way to use Credit Cards...
You know, there is a very responsible way to use Credit Cards...
You are a moron. Reread the title of this article and come back to me about what this article was supposed to be about from the start.
The game we’ve written about multiple times over the past few years, right? That we’ve run videos of? That one?